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Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Digital World and Digital Economy

Digital world and digital economy
December 25, 2011
Digitization will be the next big thing for the rest of the century.
“Digitization is creating a second economy that is vast, automatic and invisible- there by bringing the biggest change since industrial revolution.” – Brian Arthur (Digital Wave : The Second Economy/W.Brian Arthur.-Indian Management 50(1), November 2011. 80-87. Other books by the same author : Increasing returns and path Dependence in the Economy , University of Michigan  Press, 1994 ; The Nature of technology what it is and how it evolves (Free Press, August 2009)

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- ; ; .- 1816gbgv

A two headed boy

A two headed boy
December 25, 2011
Human mind is curious and explorative by nature.  Human starts reasoning on any fact or fiction – on what, where, how , how much, when and ultimately why?  When it comes to the questions of why of facts fictions, scientists carry objective and scientific research where metaphysicists, philosophers and saints question science and try to go  beyond.  Science starts with fiction and ends with fiction not the other way round.  As reported in Times of India a two headed boy was born to a Brazilian woman last Monday and the doctors were not sure if they can operate on him as he shares on heart, lungs, liver and pelvis.  I hope and wish the two boys survive with their single body.  Let scientists and doctors keep busy wondering and doing research for days together while the two faces single body talk together and smile at each other and fight at times.  When fiction bares itself, it is no longer a fiction, it becomes a fact.  However every thing starts with fiction and ends with fiction.
Rajashekhar Devarai ; References : 1. Times of India / A two headed boy was born.-Times of India, December, 25, 2011 ; 2. Times of India / Visions of angels could just be lucid dreams.-Times of India, December 25, 2011

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- ; ; .- 1816gbgv

Lucid dreams !

Lucid Dreams !
December 25, 2011
People and scientists and metaphysicists should look beyond the results of the study conducted on biblical religious encounters by Michael Raduga reported in LiveScience Sleep Researchers conducted at Out of Body Experience Centre in Los Angeles is indeed a yeomen service to unlock the universal mysteries and myths.  The results of such studies should not in any way be believed or taken on their face value.  Such results should be taken as only elementary and crude explorations of cosmic consciousness.  Fictions are more true  and universal than facts.  Facts will have no value and substance in the absence of fictions.  And hence study of fictions attract more attention and hard work to explore and experiment compared to facts which are amenable to human capabilities.  There are millions of such angel encounters / extra body experiences in other religious / spiritual faiths as well.  It is time, we open up the flood gates of metaphysical researches further on such elementary findings.  Well done Raduga, let the so called out of science researchers start off further on where you left.  Congrats!  Whether we wish or not fictions abound our human life more than facts and angels / apsara’s and devakanyas frequent us more often than we think and find out.  Angels Jindabad ! Fictions jindabad !
Rajashekhar Devarai : Reference : Times of India / Visions of angels could just be lucid dreams.-Times of India, December 25, 2011.

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- ; ; .- 1816gbgv

Lucid dreams !

Lucid Dreams !
December 25, 2011
People and scientists and metaphysicists should look beyond the results of the study conducted on biblical religious encounters by Michael Raduga reported in LiveScience Sleep Researchers conducted at Out of Body Experience Centre in Los Angeles is indeed a yeomen service to unlock the universal mysteries and myths.  The results of such studies should not in any way be believed or taken on their face value.  Such results should be taken as only elementary and crude explorations of cosmic consciousness.  Fictions are more true  and universal than facs.  Facts will have no value and substance in the absence of fictions.  And hence study of fictions attract more attention and hard work to explore and experiment compared to facts which are amenable to human capabilities.  There are millions of such angel encounters / extra body experiences in other religious / spiritual faiths as well.  It is time, we open up the flood gates of metaphysical researches further on such elementary findings.  Well done Raduga, let the so called out of science researchers start off further on where you left.  Congrats!  Whether we wish or not fictions abound our human life more than facts and angels / apsara’s and devakanyas frequent us more often than we think and find out.  Angels Jindabad ! Fictions jindabad !
Rajashekhar Devarai : Reference : Times of India / Visions of angels could just be lucid dreams.-Times of India, December 25, 2011.

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- ; ; .- 1816gbgv

Thursday, 8 December 2011

 Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.   Ramana Maharshi

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- ; ; .- 1816gbgv

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Thank God ....

Thank God. Thank you Blogger for saving my blog.

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- ; ; .- 1816gbgv

Monday, 14 November 2011

One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again. Henry Ford (Source :

One who fears failure limits his activities.
Failure is only the opportunity to more
intelligently begin again.

Henry Ford
(Source :
Librarianship is a noble profession

Sunday, 13 November 2011

What do we librarians do in this new connected world? towards a new Road Map!

What do we Librarians do in this new connected world? Towards a new Road Map!
Lbn.Rajashekhar Devarai
Chief Librarian, Asian School of Business Management, Bhubaneswar.
November 13, 2011

Based on different reports and surveys Robert Rego sums up the new connected world in the following ways :
  1. By 2020 almost everything from cameras to tooth brushes will become connected adding upto 50 billion connected divices.
  2. Technology will bring about huge changes in the way we work share and care about our fellow human beings.
  3. 5 billion people will have broad band by 2016 and a majority of them will use the connectivity facility on their mobile phone.
  4. For every on there has to be the solution that eases the digital life.  Taking into account the micro solutions and being able to offer the life changing technology at competitive prices is what we need and can all redefining the digital life style.
  5. The mobile worker population will exceed one billion this year and 1.2 billion by 2013.
  6. To enable a true digital life style one needs consumer cloud services platforms which encompasses various aspects of a digital life style.
How prepared are we as librarians to cater to and cope up  with this new and emerging digital life style of people. Should technologists, scientists and engineers migrate to librarianship for effective confrontation.  Should librarianship open its gates of admissionb to more of science and engineering graduates? Should we think of a four year Library Technology Programme for +2 students? What happens to the librarians who are trainined in age old LIS concepts inclined more towards paper and print?
At times we accept that our profession is at cross road…….. or is it that we are at multiple corss roads?  Knowingly or unknowingly every one of us (librarians) viz practitioners, teachers and scholars seem to be puzzled, taken aback, confused over the fast pace of technological changes that push us,  sideline us and rubbish us often.
It is indeed a challenge and opportunity as well.  Professions are never static these days.  Before they consolidate their status and position they are at cross roads very often.  And in the process they transform their intellectual assets and skills faster and faster.  Nbow this is the age of constant adaptation and change for modern active professionals and professions.  Librarinship is not an exception to this.  Sooner than later, with or without librarians the modern library / information knowledge clientele will find their appropriate professionals, tools and techniques to serve them to guide them and inspire them.  Digital life style is already in.  Librarians cannot afford to be away and aloof from this all pervading, all encompassing pressure and influence and invasion of digits.
Let us be awake and aware, lest we will be left behind many miles behind and we would be lost in the wilderness of global competitions and melt downs!
1.      Robert Rego/You are connected.-Times of India, November 13, 2011

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Thursday, 10 November 2011

This day is no less important .... there was no such day as today in history ... and there will not be any such day exactly like today in future ... dont miss today ... be the best ... do the best as you have the best day infront of you. smile and proceed

This day is no less important .... there was no such day as today in history ... and there will not be any such day exactly like today in future ... dont miss today ... be the best ... do the best as you have the best day infront of you. smile and proceed
Librarianship is a noble profession

Life is neither fair ... nor unfair .....

Is Life Fair : Vaidyanathan makes me speak / LbnRaj

The way I am beginning to respond to the ideas of Vaidyanathan may seem funny, but the issue of getting a question to answer haunts me often.  Many a time we have lots of answers … but hardly get to face questions.  May be, questions are always there, as are the answers for all of us.  As most of you may agree I search for questions for which I seem to think I have answers.  The other way round, I seem to have many questions, I don't know whom to ask, where to ask and how to ask.  I think most of all of our lives in a day revolves around this dilemma.  Am I making any sense?

Now back to Speaking Tree, frankly speaking I subscribe to Times of India for reading Speaking Tree and Sacred Space of the Centre page of TOI … and then glance through other pages as and when I feel like.  Now , when I introspect myself …. I look forward for the best answers for the most difficult questions on existence from the  best of the thinkers / scholars.  At the same time I constantly think that I have lot of answers for these typical unthinkable questions.  May be I unconsciously look forward to see others  and read others who think alike and write alike.  May be others write before I pen.  At times I feel amazed at myself how close I am to best of scholars and their thinking.  This is human nature … we only understand what we know…. We can only appreciate what we like and know.  A thing, thought or feeling that is talked about deliberated by best of scholars however easy or tough it is, cannot go into heads if we don't know about it / that.  What I want to say is , every one of us know every ting … we only revisit our thinking when others speak, say, or lecture.  Hoe I make sense in what I am trying to say.  The thing that we cannot identify is neither meaningful nor meaningless.  We like sweet …. Because we know the taste of sweet before we had it for the first in our life.  Every thing is already known to every one by birth.
Now the question of Vaidyanathan, "Is life Fair or Unfair"…. This haunts every one so often … may be one does not stop seriously to give a thought to ones state of mind later on, on that moment.  Yes life is not perfect, I say this knowing what this perfectness means.  As a child as a high school boy I cam across my friends, classmates …. Copying in the examinations … I used to pity, them as I could not convince them.  More disappointing was that their parents, brothers, sisters used to be so organized to assist the boy / girl in copying.  Now when years passed by , the same boy or the girl gets admitted to best of professional courses / get best of jobs … I felt dejected, I was left confused.  Now again often some years I find the same boy / girl in the VIP positions (Sound both by wealth and qualifications and even knowledge) and lecturing on morals and on how bad it is to copy in the examinations.  May be they have forgotten what they did … may be they are more practical … may be they have repented … may be nothing of this sort…. AND MAY BE THIS IS THE NATURE'S WAY.  May be life is not Fair.  Vaidyanathan's  concluding words are eye openers …. "While life may seem unfair, if things changed as per every individual's desires and wishes, imagine the chaos and confusion that would result.  In a matter of few days, the world would come to the end.  The apparent unfairness that we see is indeed for continuity.

Yes, life is neither fair nor unfair, life is neither perfect nor imperfect.  Life is what it exists like.  Life exists without our consent … the way it is … and more real could be that life exists and continues in tune with laws of nature!  Search for questions for which you have answers … it is amazing … it is worth your time spent on it! Wonder! You will know that you have lots and lots of answers … if you know how to come closer to questions, …. Have an open mind …. Introspect …. Meditate … you will find a treasure of questions and answers within yourself !!!!!

Key words : LbnRaj, Rajashekhar Devarai, Life, P.V.Vaidyanathan, Speaking Tree, Times of India

Reference : Vadyanathan P.V / Is Life Fair Or Unfair .- Speaking Tree, Times of India.- November 10, 2011
Librarianship is a noble profession