CV of Scientometrician Late Shri V. L. Kalyane (Source : PERSONAL Name: Mr. Venkatrao Lakshmanrao Kalyane, Mother: Mrs. Sonabai Lakshmanrao Kalyane, Father: Lakshmanrao Amrutrao Kalyane, Date of Birth: 1st June,1955, Gender: Male, Place of Birth: Talwada (Maratha), Pin Code-585328, Taluka-Bhalki, District-Bidar, State-Karnataka, Country-India. Marital Status: Married (Date: 2nd June,1985), Name of wife: Sangeeta Mother-in-Law: Mrs. Vaijaianti Babu Rao Gorchincholiker Father-in-Law: Mr. Babu Rao Gorchincholiker Daughters: Shubhangi and Bhavani Present Contact Address: Scientific Information Resource Division, Knowledge Management Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai-400 085, India. Office: 2559 0826 ACADEMIC CAREER B.Sc., B.Lib.Sc., and M.Sc. (Modern Biology) : Marathwada University, Aurangabad. P. G. Diploma in Applied Botany (DIIT), Equivalent to M.Phil.: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. B.Ed. and M.Ed.: Annamalai University, Annamalainagar. P. G. Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication: Institute for Social Sciences and Research,Vellore. P. G. Diploma in Higher Education, and Master of Library and Information Science: Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. NATURE OF WORK (from Sept.1993 onwards) 1. Compiling, Editing, Proofreading, Publishing, and Dispatching of: BARC Newsletter (Monthly) up to May 1999, Nuclear News Digest (Bi-monthly, Monthly since June 2000), Technical Reports (External, Internal, Divisional, Progress, Restricted or Confidential) up to 1999, Books, Booklets, Folders, Pamphlets, R & D etc. from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai-400 085. ‘E-LIS Editor for India’ from 1st July, 2004. 2. Honorary Member of the Advisory Editorial Board of the Indian Journal of Information, Library & Society (ISSN 0971-4286) from Bharati Publications, Nua Sahi (Saraswati Vihar), Cuttack-753 004, India. 3. Research in Scientometrics and Library & Information Science. 4. Referee for Publications on individual scientist (Biobibliometrics or Scientistometrics), Scientometrics, and Informetrics. 5. Chief Editor of the BOSLA Infoline, (Vol.1, No.1, 2003) Newsletter of Bombay Science Librarians' Association. LIFE MEMBERSHIPS 1. UNITED WRITERS' ASSOCIATION,75, Kamakoti Nagar, Second Cross Street, Valasaravakkam, Chennai-600 087. 2. INDIAN SCIENCE WRITERS' ASSOCIATION ,25/3, Sector – 1, Pushp Vihar, Saket, New Delhi-110 017. 3. INDIAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION , A/40-41 Flat No.201, Ansal Building, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-110 009. 4. SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE ,National Institute of Science Communication, Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg, Hillside Road, New Delhi-110 012. 5. BOMBAY SCIENCE LIBRARIANS' ASSOCIATION ,C/o. Librarian, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai-400 088. 6. HINDI VIGYAN SAHITYA PARISHAD ,Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai-400 085. THESIS/DISSERTATION/PROJECT WORK/TERM PAPER 1. V. L. KALYANE (1977) Megasporogenesis and Embryo Development in the Biotypes of Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin., (18 pages). Submitted for partial fulfillment of the P. G. Diploma in Applied Botany, Agricultura1 Engineering Division, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Guide: Dr A. K. Chatterji. 2. V. L. KALYANE (1988) Agricultural Advertisements in English Print Media, (50 pages). Submitted for partial fulfillment of the P. G. Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication, Department of Continuing Education, Institute for Social Sciences and Research, Vellore. Guide: Prof. C. Pichandy, Head, P. G. Department of Communication, P.S.G. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous College of Bharathiar University) Coimbatore. 3. V. L. KALYANE (1996) Role Model for Modern Biology Students, (417 pages). Submitted for partial fulfillment of the P. G. Diploma in Higher Education, Project Work (ES-305), School of Education, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. RESEARCH PROJECTS OF INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, NEW DELHI Jute Agricultural Research Institute, Barrackpore 1. Studies on the interspecific Hybrids of Hibiscus cannabinus X Hibiscus sabdariffa. 2. Studies on global germplasm collection of the Genus Hibiscus. Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore 3. Breeding for early maturing varieties which can be grown from June to December and suitable for subtropical region of India. (P1-80/1.1.7) 4. Studies on inbreeding in sugarcane. (P1-78/1.2.1) 5. Pattern of quantitative inheritance during nobilisation. (P1-84/1.3.19) 6. Evolving genotypes for high total sugars for ethanol production. (C2-81/1.9.2) 7. Studies on pollen fertility and seed setting a) evaluation of matromorphic lines. (P1-8O/2.1.1) 8. Genetics of ratooning ability in sugarcane. (P1-80/2.1.2) 9. Evolution of superior genotypes of commercial importance for subtropics. (P1-12/1.1.1) 10. Breeding for drought resistance in sugarcane. (P1-81/1.1.8) National Research Centre for Sorghum, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 11. Apomixis in Sorghum. Retrospective (2004-1973) Biographical-Bibliography of V. L. Kalyane K100. Swarna T., Kalyane V. L., Prakasan E. R. and Vijai Kumar (2004) Classic-Author Synchronous Self-References: The knowledge-generating-system at an individual scientist level, K99. Upadhye R. P., Kalyane V. L., Vijai Kumar and Prakasan E.R. (2004) Scientometric Analysis of Synchronous References in the Physics Nobel lectures, 1981-1985: A pilot study. Scientometrics, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 55-68. (HU ISSN 0138-9130) K98. Anil Kumar and Kalyane, V. L. (2004) Bibliographics for the 983 eprints in the live archives of E-LIS: Trends and status report up to 7th July 2004, based on author-self-archiving metadata K97. Prakasan E. R., Anil Kumar, Anil Sagar, Lalit Mohan, Singh Sanjay Kumar, Kalyane V. L. and Vijai Kumar (2004) Analytical study of contents of LANL physics and cross-listed e-print archives, 1994-2002, Annals of Library and Information Studies, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 43-51. (ISSN 0972-5423) K96. Swarna T., Kalyane V. L., Prakasan E.R. and Vijai Kumar (2004) Eponymous Citations to Homi Jehangir Bhabha, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 81-99. (ISSN 1394-6234) K95. Kalyane V. L., Anil Sagar, Anil Kumar, Vijai Kumar, Lalit Mohan and Prakasan E. R. (2004) Library and Information Profession in India: Reflections and Redemptions, In: Dr. P.S.G. Kumar Festschrift, Library and Information Profession in India: Reflections and Redemptions. Vol. 1, Part-I, pp. 144-159. (General Editors: C.P. Vashishth and M.P. Satija; Executive Editors: M.R. Kherde and P.B. Jain), Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corporation (ISBN 81-7646-466-X). K94. Kalyane V. L. (2004) Scientometric Portrait of L. L. Narayana, In: Knowledge Societies and Libraries: Papers in Honour of Prof. A.A.N. Raju, (eds.) N. Laxman Rao, S. Sudarshan Rao and T.V. Prafulla Chandra, pp. 362-388. New Delhi, Ess Ess Publishers, ISBN: 81-7000-353-9. K93. Angadi Mallikarjun, Koganuramath Muttayya , Kademani B. S., Kalyane V. L. and Sen B.K. (2004). Scientometric portrait of Nobel laureate Leland H. Hartwell, WIS-2004, International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics, (eds.) Hildrun Kretschmer, Yogendra Singh, and Ramesh Kundra, (2-5 March, 2004), Organised by Society for Information Science, New Delhi, and Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, pp.10-30. K92. Prakasan E. R., Anil Sagar, Anil Kumar, Lalit Mohan, Gaderao C. R., Surwase Ganesh, Kadam Sandeep, Kalyane V. L. and Vijai Kumar (2004) Nuclear Theory and Nuclear Experiment E-print Archives: Science Citation Index - Based Analysis, Paper presented at the SIS 2004, Digital Information Exchange: Pathways to Build Global Information Society, 22nd Annual Convention & Conference, Eds. Harish Chandra, P. Pichappan, and Ramesh Kundra (22-23 January 2004), IIT Madras, Chennai, Jointly organized by Central Library, IIT Madras, Chennai and Society for Information Science, New Delhi. pp. 172-183. K91. Koganuramath M. M., Angadi Mallikarjun, Kademani B. S. and Kalyane V. L. and Jange S. (2003) Scientometric Portrait of Nobel laureate Wolfgang Ketterle, Knowledge Management in Special Libraries in Digital Environment, SIG: Informetrics, Theme: Bio-Bibliometrics, Dehra Dun, XXIV All India Conference of IASLIC (15-18 Dec. 2003) Special Publication No. 43, Abstract p. 447. ISSN: 0972-3668 K90. Kademani B. S., Kalyane V. L. and Vijai Kumar (2003) Preservation of Information Resources in Libraries: New Challenges, Proceedings of BOSLA One day Seminar on Resource Management, Editors: Muttayya Koganuramath, B. S. Kademani, Satish Kanamadi and Savita Rao, pp. 66-75. Organised by Bombay Science Librarians' Association and Sir Dorabji Tata Memorial Library, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai (8th Nov. 2003) K89. Prakasan E. R., Anil Kumar, Anil Sagar, Lalit Mohan, Kalyane V. L., Vijai Kumar and Upadhye Rekha P. (2003) E-Print Archives: A Fast Emerging Mode of Electronic Communication of Pre-Prints, Proceedings of BOSLA One day Seminar on Resource Management, Editors: Muttayya Koganuramath, B. S. Kademani, Satish Kanamadi and Savita Rao, pp. 15-24. Organised by Bombay Science Librarians' Association and Sir Dorabji Tata Memorial Library, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai (8th Nov. 2003) K88. Naber Geeta W., Kalyane V. L. and Vijai Kumar (2003) A Typical Classification and Cataloguing Practice for Managing Conference Proceedings in a Library, Prizewinning paper Proceedings of BOSLA One day Seminar on Resource Management, Editors: Muttayya Koganuramath, B. S. Kademani, Satish Kanamadi and Savita Rao, pp. 5-14. Organised by Bombay Science Librarians' Association and Sir Dorabji Tata Memorial Library, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deonar, Mumbai (8th Nov. 2003) K87. Deokattey Sangeeta, Jahagirdar P. B., Vijai Kumar, Nita Bhaskar and Kalyane V. L. (2003) Borosilicate Waste Immobilisation: An International Perspective, JOM: A publication of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Vol. 55, No.10, pp.48-51. K86. Prakasan, E. R.; Anil Kumar; Anil Sagar; Lalit Mohan; Singh, Sanjay Kumar; Kalyane, V. L. and Vijai Kumar (2003) Content analysis of E-Print Archives, (LANL e-print archive). K85 Kalyane V. L. and Sen B. K. (2003) Research Productivity of Tibor Braun: An Analytical Chemist - cum – Scientometrician. Annals of Library and Information Studies, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 47-61. (ISSN 0972-5423) K84. Munnolli S. S., Kalyane V. L. (2003) Scientometric Portrait of Ram Gopal Rastogi, Annals of Library and Information Studies, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 1-17. (ISSN 0972-5423) K83. Kalyane V. L., Anil Sagar, Anil Kumar, Vijai Kumar, Lalit Mohan and Prakasan E. R. (2003) Librametric Mapping of the 'Libraries, Archives & Information Technology' R&D during 1970-1990. K82. Kademani B. S., Kalyane V. L. and Vijai Kumar (2002) Scientometric Portrait of Nobel Laureate Harold W. Kroto, SRELS Journal of Information Management, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 409-434. (ISSN 0972-2467) K81. Swarna T., Kalyane V. L., Prakasan E. R. and Vijai Kumar (2002) Characteristics of the Electronic Journal: Library Philosophy and Practice, SRELS Journal of Information Management Vol. 37, No.2, pp. 271-282. (ISSN 0972-2467) http://eprintsarchive/00001249/ K80. Kalyane V. L. and Kadam S. N. (2002) Medical Eponyms: Prolific Authors and their Favourite Journals, In: Library and Information Studies in Retrospect and Prospect:Essays in honour of Prof. D. R. Kalia, Editor: J. L. Sardana, New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, pp. 172-176. (ISBN 81-7022-929-4) K79. Swarna T., Kalyane V. L. and Vijai Kumar (2002) Scientometric Dimensions of Technical Reports from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 17-30. (ISSN 1394-6234) K78. Kalyane V. L. and Sen B. K. (2002) Scientometric Portrait of Tibor Braun, pp. 1-13. K77. Kademani B. S., Kalyane V. L. and Vijai Kumar (2002) A. H. Zewail: Research Collaborator par excellence, Scientometrics, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 113-121. (HU ISSN 0138 - 9130) K76. Kademani B. S., Kalyane V. L. and Vijai Kumar (2001) Scientometric Portrait of Nobel Laureate Ahmed Hassan Zewail, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp.53-70. (ISSN 1394-6234) K75. Prakasan E. R., Swarna T., Kalyane V. L. and Vijai Kumar (2001) Linking in E-Journals: A case study, XXIII IASLIC National Conference on Content Management in India in Digital Environment, Thiruvananthapuram, 4-7, Dec. 2001. pp. 91-96. K74. Deokattey Sangeeta,, Kalyane V. L., Vijai Kumar and Phool Chand (2001) Medical Applications of Lasers: Content Analysis of the MEDLINE CDROM Database, XXIII IASLIC National Conference on Content Management in India in Digital Environment, Thiruvananthapuram, Dec. 4-7, 2001. Abstract pp.179-180. K73. Swarna T., Kalyane V. L., Prakasan E. R. and Vijai Kumar (2001) Case study of the Electronic Journal: Library Philosophy and Practice, The 4th International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries, Bangalore. (10-12, Dec. 2001) Digital Libraries Landscapes for Knowledge Creation, Access and Management, Editors: Shalini R. Urs, T. B. Rajashekar and K. S. Raghavan, Organised by University of Mysore and Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore Abstract p. 427. K72. Deokattey Sangeeta, Kalyane V. L., Vijai Kumar and Phool Chand (2001) Lasers in Medical Applications: R&D Mapping, Technical Report (BARC/2001/E/ 022), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai. K71. Kalyane V. L., Madan V. K. and Vijai Kumar (2001) Reference Curve for Indian Role Model Scientist, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 57-70. (ISSN 1394-6234) K70. Kalyane V. L. and Kadam S. N. (2001) Transforming Bibliographic Data Bases into Bibliographics, KELPRO Bulletin, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 1-12. (Reg. No. 389/93) K69. Kalyane V. L., Prakasan E. R. and Vijai Kumar (2001) Scientometric Portrait of Ranjit Kumar Mitra, ILA Bulletin, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 39-53. (ISSN 0970-4728) K68. Kademani B. S., Kalyane V. L. and Vijai Kumar (2000) Scientometric Portrait of Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai: A Citation Analysis, SRELS Journal of Information Management, Vol. 37, No.2, pp. 107-132. (ISSN 0972-2467) K67. Kademani B. S., Kalyane V. L. and Jange Suresh (1999) Scientometric Portrait of Nobel Laureate Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, Scientometrics, Vol.45, No.2, pp.233-250. (HU ISSN 0138-9130) K66. Kalyane V. L. and Kadam S. N. (1999) Centenary Year of the Discovery of Radio - Activity in Thorium, Polonium and Radium, International Workshop on " History of Science : Implications for Science Education" (22-26 Feb. 1999), Organised by Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai, Readings and Abstracts (Posters) p. 49. K65. Kalyane V. L. and Kadam S. N. (1998) Processing of Bibliographic CD-ROM Database into Graphic Images, Souvenir MLAI-98 National Convention of Medical Library Association of India (19-21, Nov. 1998) Organised by Central Institute of Psychiatry Kanke, Ranchi, Abstract p.57. K64. Kalyane V. L. and Kadam S. N. (1998) Informetrics on Accidents and Trauma, 49th FID Conference and Congress (11-17 Oct.1998) Towards the New Information Society of Tomorrow: Innovations, Challenges and Impact; FID publication No. 719, Paper No. 032015, pp. III-119 to III-133. (INSDOC, New Delhi) K63. Kalyane V. L. and Sen, B. K. (1998) Scientometric Portrait of C. R. Bhatia, an Indian Geneticist and Plant Breeder, Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, Vol.3, No.1 pp. 25-42. (ISSN 1394-6234) K62. Kademani B. S. and Kalyane V. L. (1998) Scientometric Portrait of R. Chidambaram:The Indian Nuclear Physicist, Based on Citation Analysis, KELPRO Bulletin, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 13-29. (Reg. No. 389/93). K61. Kalyane, V. L. (1998). Extraterrestrial Life, Indepth - Navi Mumbai, Issue No.2, p.4. K60. Kalyane, V. L. (1998). Women, The Difference is Thy Strength, Indepth - Navi Mumbai, Issue No.2, pp.3 &. 4. K59. Kalyane V. L. (1998) lndepth Encounters, lndepth Navi Mumbai, Issue 1, Feb. 1998, p.5. K58. Kalyane V. L. and Venkatappaiah V. (1997) Dynamic Reference Desk in Public Libraries of 2000, Public Library Systems: Services and Networking, (A Festschrift Presented to Prof. K. Sarada), Editors: L. S. Ramaiah, V. Venkatappaiah, N. Guruswamy Naidu, G. Sujatha, and T. Ashok Babu, New Delhi, Ess Ess publications. Vol.1, pp. 34-63. (ISBN 81-7000-206-0) K57. Kalyane V. L. and Kademani B. S. (1997) Scientometric Portrait of Barbara McClintock: The Nobel Laureate in Physiology, KELPRO Bulletin, Vol.1, No.1, pp.3- 14. (Reg. No.389/93) K56. Kalyane V. L. and Ranpise, S. G. (1997) Role of Infotherapy in Dentistry, Dentistry Today, No.9, Oct. 1997, p.6. (ISSN 0971-9725) K55. Kalyane V. L. (1997) Reader's Views, Dentistry Today, No.2, Feb.-Mar. 1997, p.5. (ISSN 0971-9725) K54. Ranpise Sudarshan and Kalyane V. L. (1997) Highlights of Computers in Dentistry, Dentistry Today, No.2, Feb.-Mar.1997, p.3. (ISSN 0971-9725) K53. Kademani B. S. and Kalyane V. L. (1996) Bibliometric Indicators for Publication Productivity Analysis of an Individual Scientist, JISSI: The International Journal of Scientometrics and Informetrics, Vol.2, No.4, pp.49-58. (ISSN 0971-6696) K52. Kalyane V. L. and Sen B. K. (1996) Scientometric Portrait of Nobel Laureate Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol. 1, No.2, pp.13-26. (ISSN 1394-6234) K51. Kalyane V. L. and Kalyane S. V. (1996) Database on Creativity and Innovation Communication Productivity of Science in India: A case study. Journal of Information Sciences, Vol.7, No.1, pp.3-44. (ISSN 0971-3360) K50. Kademani B. S., Kalyane V. L. and Kademani A. B. (1996) Scientometric Portrait of Nobel Laureate S. Chandrasekhar, JISSI: The International Journal of Scientometrics and Informetrics, Vol.2, No.2-3, pp. 119-135. (ISSN 0971-6696) K49. Kademani B. S. and Kalyane V. L. (1996) Outstandingly Cited and Most Significant Publications of R. Chidambaram, a Nuclear Physicist, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 21-36. (ISSN 1394-6234) K48. Kademani B. S., Kalyane V. L. and Kademani A. B. (1996) Scientometric Portrait of Sir K. S. Krishnan, Indian Journal of Information, Library & Society, International Prof. Kaula Special Number, Vol.9, No.1-2, pp. 125-150. (ISSN 0971-4286) K47. Kalyane V. L. and Shukla B. K. (1996) A peep to the present and the Future: Soliloquy in Librarianship, Indian Journal of Information, Library & Society. International Prof. Kaula Special Number, Vol.9, No.1-2, pp.1-6. (ISSN 0971-4286) K46. Kademani B. S. and Kalyane V. L. (1996) Citation Analysis as Bibliometric Indicator to Evaluate an Individual Scientist, National Seminar on Progress in Bibliometric Indicators (28-29 Feb.1996) Book of Abstracts: 13 –14, Department of Library & Information Science, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar. K45. Kademani B. S. and Kalyane V. L. (1996) Bibliometric Indicators for Publication Productivity Analysis of an Individual Scientist, National Seminar on Progress in Bibliometric Indicators (28-29 Feb.1996) Book of Abstracts: 9 –10, Department of Library & Information Science, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar. K44. Kalyane V. L. and Samanta R. K. (1995) Informetrics on K. Ramiah, In: New Vistas in Library and Information Science: Papers in Honour of Professor G. V. S. L. Narasimha Raju, Editors: A. A. N. Raju, L. S. Ramaiah, N. Laxman Rao and T.V. Prafulla Chandra., New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., pp.565-578. (ISBN 0-7069-9126-5) K43. Devarai Rajashekhar S. and Kalyane V. L. (1995) Round the Clock Librarianship, In: New vistas in Library and Information Science: Papers in Honour of Professor G. V. S. L. Narasimha Raju, Editors : A. A. N. Raju, L. S. Ramaiah, N. Laxman Rao and T.V. Prafulla Chandra, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., pp.142-149. (ISBN 0-7069-9126-5) K42. Kalyane V. L. (1995) Scientometric Portrait of P. M. Bhargava, Lucknow Librarian, Vol.27, No.1-4, pp. 42-70. (ISSN 0024-7219) K41. Kalyane V. L. and Sen B. K. (1995) A Bibliometric Study of the Journal of Oilseeds Research, (ISSN 0970-2776), Annals of Library Science and Documentation, Vol.42, No.4, pp.121-141. (ISSN 0003-4835) K40. Kalyane V. L. and Vidyasagar Rao K. (1995) Quantification of Credit for Authorship, ILA Bulletin, Vol.30, No.3-4, pp.94-96. (ISSN 0970-4728) K39. Kalyane V. L. (1995) Role Model Scientist, Whither Indian Science,Third National Convention of ISWA on What is Wrong with Indian Science, held at Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, Souvenir, pp.31-34. K38. Kalyane V. L. and Kademani B. S. (1995) Scientometric Portrait of R. Chidambaram: A Publication Productivity Analysis, Journal of Information Sciences, Vol.5, No.3, pp.101 -140. (ISSN 0971-3360) K37. Kalyane V. L. and Munnolli S. S. (1995) Scientometric Portrait of T. S. West, Scientometrics,Vol.33,No.2,pp.233-256. (HU ISSN 0138-9130) K36. Kademani B. S., Kalyane V. L. and Balakrishnan M. R. (1994) Scientometric Portrait of P. K. Iyengar, Library Science with a slant to Documentation and Information Studies, Vol.31, No.4, pp.155-176. (ISSN 0254-2553) K35. Kademani B. S., Kalyane V. L. and Kademani A. B. (1994) Scientometric Portrait of Nobel Laureate Dr. C.V. Raman, Indian Journal of Information, Library & Society, Vol.7, No.3-4, pp.215-249. (ISSN 0971-4286) K34. Kalyane V. L. (1994) Establishing Scientometric Database for Harnessing Expertise and Information Sources, International Information, Communication and Education, Vol.13, No.2, pp.208-212. (ISSN 0970-1850) K33. Venkataramana P., Kalyane V. L. and Munnolli S. S. (1994) Informetrics on mushrooming growth of Mushroom Research in India, LIBCON-94, National Conference on Bibliometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics, Bangalore, (14-16 Nov.1994). Souvenir and Abstracts, Paper No.1, State Youth Librarians’ Association, Bangalore. K32. Kalyane V. L. and Kademani B. S. (1994) Scientometric Portrait of U. R. Murty, LIBCON-94, National Conference on Bibliometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics, Bangalore, 14-16 Nov.1994. Souvenir and Abstracts, Paper No.10, State Youth Librarians’ Association, Bangalore. K31. Kalyane V. L. and Devarai Rajashekhar S. (1994) Empathy in Public Librarianship: A Subjective and Qualitative Analysis, Indian Journal of Information, Library and Society, Vol.7, No.1-2, pp.87-104. (ISSN 0971-4286) K30. Kalyane V. L. and Kalyane S. V. (1994) R & D Communication Strategy vis -a-vis Librarianship, Journal of Information Sciences,Vol.4, No.3,pp.105-135. (ISSN 0971-3360) K29. Kalyane V. L. and Devarai Rajashekhar S. (1994) Informetrics on C. S. Venkata Ram, In: New Horizons in Library and Information Science: Dr. Velaga Venkatappaiah Festschrift, Editors : C. P. Vashishth, L. S. Ramaiah, N. V. Jagga Rao and T. V. Prafulla Chandra, Madras: T. R. Publications, pp.475-478. (ISBN 81-85427-54-2) K28. Kalyane V. L. and Kalyane S. V. (1994) Scientometric Portrait of M. S. Swaminathan, Library Science with a slant to Documentation and Information Studies, Vol.31, No.1, pp.31-46. (ISSN 0254-2553) K27. Kalyane V. L. (1993) Informetrics on Neem Research in India, Library Science with a slant to Documentation and Information Studies, Vol.30, No.4, pp.139 - 145. (ISSN 0254-2553) K26. Kalyane V. L. and Kalyane S. V. (1993) Biohistorical Perspective of Sugarcane Research for Bihar State, Bharatiya Sugar, Vol.19, No.10, pp.25-27. (ISSN 0970-6240) K25. Kalyane V. L. and Samanta R. K. (1993) Religious Dogmas, Scientific Temper and Society, Science Courier, Vol.4, No.5, pp.4-11. (R.N. 48210/89) K24. Kalyane V. L. and Kalyane S. V. (1993) Scientometric Portrait of Vinodini Reddy, Journal of Information Sciences, Vo1.4, No.1, pp.25-47. (ISSN 0971-3360) K23. Kalyane V. L., Pichandy C. and Kalyane S. V. (1993) Communication in Farm Advertisements, Communicator, Vol.28, No.2, pp.17-25. K22. Kalyane V. L. (1992) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan - Biologist par excellence, Biology Education, Vol.9, No.3, pp.246-248. (ISSN 0970-5961) K21. Kalyane V. L. and Kalyane S. V. (1992) Librarianship in 2000 AD, University News, Vol.30, No.35, pp.73-74. (ISSN 0566-2257) K20. Kalyane V. L. and Vidyasagar Rao K. (1992) Collaboration Trends in Sugarcane Research - A case study, Annals of Library Science and Documentation, Vol.39, No.1, pp.9-11. (ISSN 0003-4835) K19. Kalyane V. L. and Kalyane S. V. (1991) Scientometric Dimensions of Innovation Communication Productivity System, Annals of Library Science and Documentation, Vol.38, No.1, pp.8-29. (ISSN 0003-4835) K18. Kalyane V. L. (1991) Biohistory of Sugarcane at Coimbatore during Twentieth Century, History of Agriculture, Vol.3, No.3, pp.58-70. (ISSN 0378-7524) K17. Kalyane V. L. and Gaddagimath R. B. (1991) Scientometric Studies of Publications from Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Workshop on Productivity and Impact of Research: Scientometric/Bibliometric Measures and Influencing Factors (25-29 June, 1991). National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad. pp. H1-H9. K16. Gaddagimath R. B. and Kalyane V. L. (1991) Bibliometric Study of a Research Group, Workshop on Productivity and Impact of Research: Scientometric/Bibliometric Measures and Influencing Factors (25-29 June, 1991). National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad. pp.G1-G4. K15. Kalyane V. L. (1990) Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Biology Education,Vol.7, No.2, pp.141-145. (ISSN 0970-5961) K14. Kalyane V. L. (1989) Establishing Scientometric Database for Harnessing Expertise and Information Sources, Workshop on Information Technology and Agricultural Information Network (4-8 Dec.1989) National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad. pp. P8-P14. K13. Kalyane V. L. (1987) Development of Energy Resources for Productivity and Prosperity, Tharamathi, Vol.14,No.69,pp.11-14. (R.N. TN/CB-17) K12. Kalyane V. L. (1986) Nutritional Quality of Hibiscus Seed Protein, International Journal of Tropical Agriculture,Vol.4,No.3, pp.280-282. (ISSN 0254-8755) K11. Kalyane V. L. (1986) Amino Acids in Seeds of Hibiscus Genotypes, Proceedings of 73rd Indian Science Congress, Part III, Physiology and Biochemistry, Abstract. No. 261. K10. Natarajan B. V., Ethirajan A. S. and Kalyane V. L. (1985) Ethanol from Sugarcane, Tenth meeting of Sugarcane Research and Development Workers' of Tamil Nadu (6-7 June,1985) held at M/s. Ponni Sugars and Chemicals, Ltd. Erode. K9. Kalyane V. L. (1985) Studies on Promising Mesta Lines - the raw material for Jute and Paper Industries, Proceedings of 72nd Indian Science Congress, Part III, Agricultural Sciences, Abstract No.70. K8. Kalyane V. L. and Kundu B. C. (1982) Fats and Protein Composition in the Seeds of some Species of Hibiscus L. - A potential raw material for Oil Industries, Proceedings of 69th Indian Science Congress, Part Ill, Botany, Abstract No.272. K7. Kalyane V. L. (1982) Teratological Studies in the Genus Hibiscus, Proceedings of 69th Indian Science Congress, Part III, Botany, Abstract No.188. K6. Kalyane V. L. and Chatterji A. K. (1981) Reproductive Characteristics of Pennisetum pedicellatum, Indian Journal of Genetics & Plant Breeding, Vol.41, No.3, pp.384-388. (ISSN 0019-5200) K5. Tarafdar J. C. and Kalyane V. L. (1980) Urease and Phosphatase Activity in the Rhizosphere of different Mesta (Hibiscus spp.) Varieties in Relation to Crop Age, National Symposium on Biological Transformation of Organic Phosphorus and Other Nutrients in Soil,Technical Session II, Abstract No.P4. (19-21 Dec. 1980) Organised by Professor P. K. De 80th Birthday Commemoration Committee, Calcutta University. K4. Kundu B. C. and Kalyane V. L. (1978) Genetic Resources of the Genus Hibiscus Linn, National Symposium on Plant and Animal Genetic Resources, Organised by Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. (28-30 Dec.,1978). K3. Kalyane V. L. and Chatterji A. K. (1978) Megasporogenesis and Embryo Development in the Biotypes of Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin., Proceedings of 65th Indian Science Congress, Part III, Botany, Abstract No.178. K2. Kalyane V. L. (1977) Solar Energy Flow in Ecosystem and Food Chain Mechanism: Brief note of the lectures delivered to the participants of Summer Institute on Energy from Sun, Wind and Biogas, Proceedings of Summer Institute on Energy from Sun, Wind and Biogas, Organised by Dr. C. P. Gupta, Professor and Director of Summer Institute at Agricultural Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, pp. 1-21. (28 May - 26 June, 1977) K1. Kalyane V. L. (1973) Algae, Udaya, 1972-73, Annual Magazine of Maharashtra Udaygiri Mahavidyalaya, Udgir, p.18. INVITED LECTURES DELIVERED 1. Agricultural Advertisements in English Print Media, Advertising Club, Coimbatore. (4th March,1989), Honoured with a Peacock Memento. 2. Publication Productivity and Citation Analysis of Contributions of Vikram Sarabhai, Seminar (1st March 1996) at M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai. 3. Creativity, Summer Camp 'New Bombay Association for Foster Care and Community Development' Navi Mumbai. (1st May, 1996) Prizewinning Essays 1. Kalyane V. L. (1981) Growing Energy Shortages in the Developing Countries in Eighties: Problems and Prospects, NIF-Sir Shri Ram 1980 International Essay Competition Award Presented by Honourable Shri M. Hidayatullah, Vice President of India. (30 Apr.1981). Honourable Smt. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India invited all award winners to a meeting for discussion on Energy, at her residence. 2. Kalyane V. L. (1988) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Celebration. Institute Level Essay –Writing Competition, at Sugarcane Breeding Institute,Coimbatore, Awarded Certificate of Merit (30 Nov.1988). Leadership • Class Representative during the B. Lib. Sc., M.Sc. and D.I.I.T. courses. • Elected Representative (1988-89) of Technical Personnel at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore. Nominated to Joint Consultative Machinery of the I.C.A.R. • Elected as Literary Secretary (1990-92) Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad. • Rapporteur of 'National Seminar on Progress in Bibliometric Indicators' (28-29 Feb. 1996) at Annamalai University, Annamalainagar. • Moderator of Debate Programme organised by The Bombay Young Men's Christian Association, C.B.D. Navi Mumbai Branch, at C.B.D. on 20th February, 1998. • Rapporteur General MLAI-98 National Convention of Medical Library Association of India (19-21, Nov. 1998) Organised by Central Institute of Psychiatry Kanke, Ranchi. • Member Organising Committee MLAI-99 National Convention of Medical Library Association of India. Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s Medical College, Navi Mumbai, (6-8 Dec, 1999). • Selected by Italy-based organisation E-LIS (E-prints in Library & Information Science) at to function as the Gatekeeper: “E-LIS Editor for India”. • Leading the network of about 50+ collaborators. NGO Started in 1993, a self-financed voluntary non-governmental organisation,Turning Point Centre, to promote popularisation of science; to reach the unreached school children; to persuade research in Information Science, Scientometrics, and Sociology of Science; to reach the unreachable National Science Policy Makers; and to create awareness about the Fundamental Duties of Every Citizen of India as per The Constitution of India, especially scientific temper with focus on propagation of science related values. Community Services • World Anti-Drugs Day (26th June, 1996) • World Population Day (11th July, 1996) • Tree Plantation Day (14th July, 1996) • International Youth Day (9th August, 1996) • Anti-Drugs Rally (2nd October, 1996) • International Day for Biological Diversity (Oragnised every year on 29th Dec. since 1998) Popularisation of Science Series of Lectures To celebrate centenary of the discovery of natural radioactivity in thorium and discovery of polonium and radium, a series of lectures were delivered during 1998 in schools, YWCA, Indian Women Scientists' Association, youth clubs, social organisations, etc. COMPILING, EDITING, PROOFREADING AND PUBLISHING 1. Annual Magazine (1969-70) Vidya Vardhini High School, Udgir. 2. A Text Book of Biology I, By B. C. Kundu and Suhita Guha for XI Class under the Council of Higher Secondary Board, West Bengal. (1977). 3. A Text Book of Biology II, By B. C. Kundu and Suhita Guha for XII Class under the Council of Higher Secondary Board, West Bengal. (1978). 4. EMPATHY (Monthly) started as a function of Literary Secretary (1990-92) Directorate of Oilseeds Research (DOR),Hyderabad. 5. All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Oilseeds. Annual Reports for Annual Kharif Oilseeds Research Workers Group Meeting (Groundnut, Sesame and Sunflower). (1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993) DOR, Hyderabad. 6. Proceedings of the AICORPO Kharif Workshops (1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993) DOR, Hyderabad 7. All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Oilseeds. Annual Reports for Annual Rabi Oilseeds Research Workers Group Meeting (Castor, Rapeseed Mustard, Linseed and Safflower) (1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993) DOR, Hyderabad. 8. Proceedings of the AICORPO Rabi Workshops (1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993) DOR, Hyderabad. 9. Techonology Mission on Oilseeds and Pulses. Micro Mission-1, Crop Production Technology. Oilseeds.Operational Plan 1990-95. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan,New Delhi. 10. About DOR (1991 and Revised Version 1993) Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad. 11. Radioimmunoassay-Principles and Practice (Second Revised and Enlarged Edition) By M. R. A. Pillai and S. D. Bhandarkar (1994) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai. 12. Nuclear News Digest (Bimonthly) six issues during 1995. 13. A Guide To Nuclear Information (1995), 39 pages Library & Information Services Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai. 14. BARC Highlights –1995, 136 pages 15. BARC Progress Report -1995 (BARC/1996/P/004), 335 pages 16. Apsara: Four Decades of Operating Experience and Utilisation of India's First Research Reactor (1996), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, 78 pages 17. BARC Progress Report-1996 (BARC/1997/P/003), 375 pages 18. Book of Abstracts 'International Seminar on The Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development' Sept. 8-9, 1997 held at Vigyan Bhavan New Delhi (DAE & IAEA), 41 pages 19. Proceedings of the 'International Seminar on The Role of Nuclear Energy for Sustainable Development', 314 pages 20. BARC Progress Report-1997, (BARC/1998/P/002), 467 pages 21. BIODIVERSITY AT BARC TROMBAY By V. Abraham (1998) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, 162 pages 22. BARC Progress Report -1998, (BARC/1999/P/002), 555 pages 23. The Pokhran - 2 Triggered Information Explosion in Newwspaapers, 702 pages 24. BARC Progress Report –1999, (BARC/2000/P/002), 606 pages 25. BARC Progress Report – 2000, (BARC/2001/P/002), 586 pages 26. Radioactive Waste Management, 28 pages 27. BARC Progress Report – 2001, (BARC/2002/P/003), 652 pages 28. SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Current Awareness Service, compiled by Lalit Mohan, E. R. Prakasan, Anil Sagar, Anil Kumar and V. L. Kalyane (2003) (compilation 337 pages) 29. BARC Progress Report – 2002, (BARC/2003/P/001), 750 pages PAPERS INCLUDED IN COURSE MATERIALS 1. Kalyane V. L. (1989) Establishing Scientometric Database for Harnessing Expertise and Information Sources, Workshop on Information Technology and Agricultural Libraries Information Network (4-8 Dec.,1989) Theme Papers and Readings (R.B. Gaddagimath, Coordinator) pp.P8-P14. National Academy of Agricultural Research Management,Hyderabad. 2. Gaddagimath R. B. and Kalyane V. L. (1991) Bibliometric Study of a Research Group, Workshop on Productivity and Impact of Research:Scientometric/ Bibliometric Measures and Influencing Factors (25-29 June,1991) Course Material (R. B. Gaddagimath, Coordinator; Prof. F. W. Lancaster, University of lllinois, USA, Facilitator) pp.G1-G4. National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad. 3. Kalyane V. L. and Gaddagimath R. B. (1991) Scientometric Studies of Publications from Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Workshop on Productivity and Impact of Research: Scientometric/ Bibliometric Measures and Influencing Factors (25-29 June,1991) Course Material. (R. B. Gaddagimath, Coordinator; Prof. F.W. Lancaster, University of Illinois, USA, Facilitator) pp.H1-H9.National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad. 4. Kalyane V. L. (1991) Biohistory of Sugarcane at Coimbatore during Twentieth Century, History of Agriculture, Vol.3, No.3, pp.58-70. (ISSN 0378-7524) Included in: In Sickness and in wealth – Spring/Summer lectures, September 18, 2003. University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 8UW, United Kingdom Course material. 55% “url:” DEMONSTRATION/MASS COMMUNICATION/ORGANISING 1. Fifty varieties of Sugarcane were cultivated in Live Museum for Sugarcane, at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore and Visitors were explained characteristics of each variety. 2. Two thousand (twenty in each batch) visitors to Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, during Platinum Jubilee Celebration were given talk on: Overview of Sugarcane Research at Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, since its inception in 1912. Posters, Slides and other items in the Museum were also explained. 3. Museum of National Research Centre for Sorghum, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad was organised. 4. Museum of Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad was organised. 5. Technical Cell of the Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad was organised. 6. Assisted Council of Scientific and Industrial Research to organize Gallery of Indian Scientists. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Organization Period Fellowship Training From To Marathwada University Centre of Post Graduate Studies and Research, at Yashwant Mahavidyalaya, Nanded, Affiliated to Marathwada University, Aurangabad 01.06.1975 Morning 1.06.1976 Afternoon Rs. 75/- Merit Scholorship for the First Rank in the University M.Sc. Modern Biology Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur – 721 302. 15.7.1976 Morning 30.7.1977 Afternoon Rs. 400/- IIT Merit Scholarship Equivalent to M.Phil. One year course after M.Sc. Research oriented practicals, Thesis work and Seminars. Applied Botany Section, Agricultural Engineering Division. Jute Agricultural Research Institute, Barrackpore – 743 101 1.8.1977 Morning 28.7.1981 Afternoon Rs. 500/- ICAR Senior Research Fellow Studies on Hibiscus genotypes. Dr. B.C. Kundu, Emeritus Scientist Ex-Director, JARI. Plant Breeding & Genetics Division. Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore – 641 007 30.7.1981 Morning 19.4.1983 Afternoon Rs. 970/- Research Associate ICAR Scheme, Research in Ethanol Production from Sugarcane, Division of Breeding. EMPLOYMENT RECORD Name & address of the employer /Institution Period of Service Scale of pay in each post Description of work held Whether permanent/ temporary Reasons for leaving From To Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-641007 19.4.1983 Tuesday Morning 22.8.1987 Saturday Afternoon Rs.425-700 Prerevised 1400-2300 Revised Field/Farm/Lab Technician T-II-3 Division of Breeding Temporary Transfer to Extension Section for Platinum Jubilee Celebration work of SBI. Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-641007 24.8.1987 Monday Morning 8.6.1988 Saturday Afternoon Rs.1400-2300 - do - - do - Transfer to Division of Breeding Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-641007 20.6.1988 Monday Morning 31.12.1988 Afternoon Rs.1400-2300 - do - - do - Promotion to T-4 Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore-641007 1.1.1989 Morning 11.8.1989 Friday Afternoon Rs.1640-2900 T-4 - do - Transfer to NRCS, Hyderabad. National Research Centre for Sorghum, Rajendranagar Hyderabad 500030 14.8.1989 Monday Morning 11.6.1990 Monday Afternoon Rs.1640-2900 Month of Increment in April T-4 Technical Secretary to the Director - do - Appointment at Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad as Jr. Scientific Officer T6. Directorate of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030 12.6.1990 Tuesday Morning 30.8.1993 Monday Morning (31.8.93 was closed holiday) Rs.2200-75-2800-EB-100-4000 Increments in June Jr. Scientific Officer T6 - do - Appointment at BARC, Bombay as Scientific Officer/SD (Publication Officer) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay 400 085 1.9.1993 Wednesday Morning 31.12.1995 Rs.3000-100-3500-125-4500. Increments in August Scientific Officer/SD (Publication Officer) Substantive Capacity with effect from 1.10.1994 Change of designation and pay scale Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay 400 085 1.1.1996 31.7.2000 Revised pay Rs.10,000-325-15200 Increments in August Scientific Officer/ D Permanent Promotion Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai 400 085 1.8.2000 12000-375-16500 Increments in February. Basic as on 1st February 2004 (Rs. 13500). Scientific Officer/ E Permanent Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. 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