"Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination; Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today." – Lord Chesterfield. |
All about Libraries, Librarians, Readers/Users, Librarianship, Information-Knowledge-N-Wisdom Sciences.
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
“Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness, no procrastination; Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” – Lord Chesterfield. http://timeman.com/time-management-tips/time-management-quotes-and-sayings
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
“Promise Yourself To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
"Promise Yourself http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/happiness |
Monday, 10 December 2012
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; http://librarianraj.webs.com ; .- 1816gbgv
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Walk In Interviews for the positions of Resource Centre Trainees (Library / Materials / Audio-Visuals) at National Institute of Fashion Technology (Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India), Mumbai on December 4, 2012.
Walk In Interviews for the positions of Resource Centre Trainees (Library / Materials / Audio-Visuals) at National Institute of Fashion Technology (Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India), Mumbai on December 4, 2012. NIFT, Mumbai invites fresh BLIS or MLIS (including LIS PGs of NISCIAR / DRTC / TISS etc) candidates for a Walk In Interview for the positions of Resource Centre Trainees. Resource Centre (comprises of Library, Materials and Audio Visual Wings) is the centre place of all Academic, Information and Knowledge endeavors of the Institute. Students / Faculty have access to a rich and diverse collection of books , materials, audio-visuals, periodicals. Main focus being on Fashion and allied subjects/ disciplines., RC Collection boosts of every domain of knowledge from Philosophy, Logic, Sciences, Technology, Social Sciences to History and Geography. Apart from subscribing print versions of Journals / magazines Resource Centre subscribes to major online Journal Data bases viz EBSCO, Proquest, JustStyle, Style Sight etc. Desirous candidates are to confirm about their attendance / participation by way of forwarding their CV / Biodata (print or soft version) on or before December 1, 2012. Details of Traineeship/Walk In Interview : Tenure : One Year ; Stipend : Rs.10000.00pm ; Qualifications : Fresh BLIS or MLIS; Venue : NIFT Campus, Sector 4, Plot No.15, Kharghar, New Mumbai – 410210 ; Date : December 4, 2012 ; Time : 11.00 am; Head – Resource Centre NIFT Mumbai Email : head.rc.niftmumbai@gmail.com ; Tel : 022-27747080 ; 022-27747081 ; 7738071618 ; Lbn.Rajashekhar Devarai Head - Resource Centre, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Plot No.15, Sector 4, Kharghar, NAVI MUMBAI - 410210. Tel : +91-22-27747080, 081; +91-22-27747000 ; Mobile : 7738071618 ; Fax : +91-22-27745386 ; +91-22-27565386 ; Email : head.rc.niftmumbai@gmail.com ; lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; Website : http://www.nift.ac.in Blog : http://indialibrarian-intl. blogspot.in ; Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LbnRaj --- On Thu, 22/11/12, lis-forum-bounces@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in <lis-forum-bounces@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in> wrote:
Fw: Photos of TISS-BOSLA special lecture series 10/11/2012
Lbn.Rajashekhar Devarai Head - Resource Centre, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Plot No.15, Sector 4, Kharghar, NAVI MUMBAI - 410210. Tel : +91-22-27747080, 081; +91-22-27747000 ; Mobile : 7738071618 ; Fax : +91-22-27745386 ; +91-22-27565386 ; Email : head.rc.niftmumbai@gmail.com ; lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; Website : http://www.nift.ac.in Blog : http://indialibrarian-intl. blogspot.in ; Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LbnRaj --- On Thu, 22/11/12, Dr. B. S. Kademani <bskademani@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Fw: [LIBJOBS] USA - Emeryville, CA - Systems Librarian, Circulation
Lbn.Rajashekhar Devarai Head - Resource Centre, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Plot No.15, Sector 4, Kharghar, NAVI MUMBAI - 410210. Tel : +91-22-27747080, 081; +91-22-27747000 ; Mobile : 7738071618 ; Fax : +91-22-27745386 ; +91-22-27565386 ; Email : head.rc.niftmumbai@gmail.com ; lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; Website : http://www.nift.ac.in Blog : http://indialibrarian-intl. blogspot.in ; Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LbnRaj --- On Tue, 20/11/12, TKelsall <tkelsall@iii.com> wrote:
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Libraries and Their Importance in Society
Libraries and Their Importance in SocietyLibraries and Their Importance in Society Libraries play a very important role in society. It is both a system for cataloging information, particularly in regard to the history and culture of society, but they also provide people with free opportunities for learning through books, magazines, newspapers, and multimedia tools. Libraries, particularly the Library of Congress, are also responsible for housing and cataloging copyrighted material and patents. Without libraries, it would be difficult not only to track the growth and development of a society, but to provide free access to information. As society has grown, so has the role of the library. It's a place where people can check out books for free, use the internet, or hold a workshop. It is also the first place a child may delve into a book or spend a few hours roaming the book aisles. In this sense, libraries have always been synonymous with education. Although the educational benefit that libraries bring to communities is well known, some still wonder about the impact that libraries have. According to a study commissioned by the Indiana State Library, libraries add economic value to the community even after the costs of running the library are incorporated. According to the study, Indiana communities receive $2.38 in direct economic benefit for each dollar of cost. In Indiana, public library expenditures and salaries add $216 million to Indiana's economic activity. Academic libraries added another $112 million to the Indiana community. Despite the economic growth and education libraries can provide, libraries are having difficulty keeping the doors open. With the onset of new technology such as the iPad, and ebook readers, along with the lack of funding , it is difficult to continue to operate. According to the 2012 State of America's Libraries report, American libraries are in trouble. Some of the contributing factors are the rapid growth of ebooks and the publishers choice to limit ebook lending. The publishers Macmillan Publishing, Hachette Book Group, and Simon and Schuster, for example, refuse to sell ebooks to libraries for lending purposes. Penguin refuses to let libraries purchase its new titles for ebook lending altogether, and Harpercollins has imposed a 26 loans per ebook license on its ebooks. Random House, on the other hand, raised its ebook prices, making the books even more difficult to purchase, especially considering the library's budget cuts. In addition to the library's trouble acquiring ebooks , libraries are also continually subjected to budget cuts. The Library of Congress,for example, the US national library, lost nearly 10 percent of its workforce. School libraries faced dramatic budget cuts in 2011 after the Literacy Through School Library Program was cut, which was the only federally funded program solely for school libraries in the US. Nevertheless, academic libraries are also feeling the strain as they have to function with larger student enrollment numbers and less staff. Libraries have not been acknowledged for the other economic benefits they provide. Regardless of the library's benefits, there is often the question of: do people really use the library? More than 60 percent of America's libraries report an increase in the use of computers and wi-fi. This is mainly because 62 percent of libraries are the only place that provide free internet and computer use. Nevertheless, a new phenomenon in libraries is now occurring. Local communities have taken their own initiative by starting "Little Free Libraries." These are large boxes located in small community neighborhoods that are stocked with books provided by the neighbors. The concept is: take a book, leave a book. Perhaps, the future of libraries is in small communities and "down-sizing" the library approach. A Little Free Library The Economic Impact of Libraries: Report on Indiana Libaries U.S. Libraries Strive to Provide Innovative Technology Services Despite Budget Cuts 2012 State of America's Libraries: A Report from the American Library Association --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source : -http://www.publicadministration.net/resources/libraries-and-their-importance-in-society/ Posted by Blogger : Lbn.Rajashekhar Devarai Head - Resource Centre, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Plot No.15, Sector 4, Kharghar, NAVI MUMBAI - 410210. Tel : +91-22-27747080, 081; +91-22-27747000 ; Mobile : 7738071618 ; Fax : +91-22-27745386 ; +91-22-27565386 ; Email : head.rc.niftmumbai@gmail.com ; lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; Website : http://www.nift.ac.in Blog : http://indialibrarian-intl. blogspot.in ; Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LbnRaj |
Bal Thakareji is unwell and there is an unlimited and unbound affection expressed by masses by waiting to hear about him and his health. Hats off sir, people love you a lot and want you to live and bless them for many more years to follow.
Bal Thakareji is unwell and there is an unlimited and unbound affection expressed by masses by waiting to hear about him and his health. Hats off sir, people love you a lot and want you to live and bless them for many more years to follow. Lbn.Rajashekhar Devarai Head - Resource Centre, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Plot No.15, Sector 4, Kharghar, NAVI MUMBAI - 410210. Tel : +91-22-27747080, 081; +91-22-27747000 ; Mobile : 7738071618 ; Fax : +91-22-27745386 ; +91-22-27565386 ; Email : head.rc.niftmumbai@gmail.com ; lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; Website : http://www.nift.ac.in Blog : http://indialibrarian-intl. blogspot.in ; Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LbnRaj |
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Library Soup: Call for Nominations: IFLA 2013 Honours and Awards...
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Dr.B.S.Kademani humbled by awards and honours!!!!!!!!
Dr.B.S.Kademani conferred the prestigious 'SATKAL National Librarian Award 2012'. Basavaraj Kademani a Librarian emerged slowly and steadily as a Librarian of substance from a very humble background. His silent pursuits over the years have naturally made way for awards and honours. Dr.Kademani stands out tall for his simplicity, sincerity, honesty and hard work. He is un assuming and ever ready to learn from every one around and ever ready to help and assist others grow to their own heights. He has made his presence felt by LIS fraternity by his publications, team building skills and professional commitments. Now he is conferred with the prestigious 'Satkal National Librarian Award 2012. Congratulations Dr.Kademani, your awards and honours make every librarian from humble backgrounds and beginnings to excel and dream big. Best wishes. Rajashekhar Devarai Head – Resource Centre, NIFT Mumbai Lbn.Rajashekhar Devarai Head - Resource Centre, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Plot No.15, Sector 4, Kharghar, NAVI MUMBAI - 410210. Tel : +91-22-27747080, 081; +91-22-27747000 ; Mobile : 7738071618 ; Fax : +91-22-27745386 ; +91-22-27565386 ; Email : head.rc.niftmumbai@gmail.com ; lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; Website : http://www.nift.ac.in Blog : http://indialibrarian-intl. blogspot.in ; Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LbnRaj |
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Library Soup: Librarian @ NCERT, New Delhi
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Walk in Interviews for the position of Librarian and Deputy Librarian at Bhubaneswar on 29th Sept 2012 at 11 am

- Scanned copies of their certificates / testimonials,
- A Note on “Your Vision and Plan of Action for a Library / Knowledge Resource Centre of a Modern State of Art Business School”
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; http://librarianraj.webs.com ; .- 1816gbgv
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; http://librarianraj.webs.com ; .- 1816gbgv
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Library Soup: Library Assistant (Gr-1), Library Assistant (Gr-2)...
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; http://librarianraj.webs.com ; .- 1816gbgv
Library Soup: पुस्तकालयों के विकास को प्राप्त करें अनुदान
Library Soup: Call for papers for National Seminar in Chandigarh...
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; http://librarianraj.webs.com ; .- 1816gbgv
Friday, 17 August 2012
Library Soup: National Eligibility Test June, 2012 Announcements...
Monday, 30 July 2012
Library Soup: न्याय को भटक रहा पुस्तकालय का रखवाला
Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- lotus5673@yahoo.co.in ; http://librarianraj.webs.com ; .- 1816gbgv
Library Soup: District library found them jobs and friends
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Library Soup: GYANODAYA EXPRESS :Fun, knowledge chug along
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Jiddu Krishnamurti: “If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformation.”
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Fw: IndiaLibraries(@IndiaLibraries) mentioned you on Twitter!
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