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Friday, 23 May 2008

kala elections

KARNATAKA STATE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (KALA)Details of the election for the year 2008-2010 of the KARNATAKASTATE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (KALA) Date 5-5-2008 The following nominations were received for the election of Office Bearers and Executive Committee Members for KALA.Office Bearers:President : Dr.I.K. Ravichander RaoTwo Vice Presidents : Mr. Francis Jayakant : Mrs.Usha Mukunda : Dr. S.B.Kittur(Three nominations for two posts)General Secretary : Mr.Anand ByrappaJoint Secretary : Mr.Rajendra BabuTreasurer : Mr.PuttabasavaiahExecutive Committee Members 1. Mr. Shivanna 2. Mr. Abdul Rehman 3. Dr.I.R.N. Goudar 4 Dr.K.N.Prasad 5. Mr.V.L.Kalyan 6. Mrs. Poornima Narayan 7. Mrs. Gayatri Sen. 8. Mr.ChikkamallaiahThe General Body meeting of the Karnataka State Library Association (KALA) was held at the City Central Library, RPC Layout, Bangalore.The meeting was presided over by Dr.Nagana Goudar, the President KALA. After the formal presentation of the activities of the Association, income & expenditure statement, detailed discussion was held regarding the presentation.The Election process started at 6-30 pm.There were single contestants for the posts of President: Dr.I.K.Ravichandra Rao Secretary: Mr.Anand ByrappaJoint Secretary: Mr.Rajendra BabuTreasurer: Mr.PuttabasavaiahTherefore the candidates were elected unopposed.There were three candidates for the two posts of Vice president.Ballot papers were given & members were asked to cast their votes.Mrs. Usha Mukunda, polled 31votes,Mr. Francis Jayakant polled 27 votes andDr. S.B. Kittur polled 17 votes.Mrs. Usha Mukunda & Mr. Francis Jayakant were declared elected for the two posts of Vice PresidentFor the Executive Committee: Mr.Shivanna, Mr. Abdul Rehman, Dr.I.R.N.Goudar, MrV.L.Kalyan, Mrs. Poornima Ranganath, andMrs.Gayathri Sen were elected unopposed.According to the Bylaws of KALA contestants seeking election for the Governing Body(GB) or Executive Committee(EC) must be physically present at the time of election.Therefore the nominations of Dr.K.N.Prasad and Mr.Chikkamallaiah for EC could not be considered, as they were not present at the time of polling. The following three candidates were elected to the Executive Committee by the members present by show of hands: Mr. Ramananda proposed by Mr. Rehman seconded by Mr.Kalyan was declared elected. Dr. S.B. Kittur proposed by Dr. I.R.N. Goudar &seconded by Dr Kemparaj was declared elected.Dr. P.V. Konnur proposed by Mrs.Gayatri Sen. seconded by Mr. Francis was declared elected.The meeting adjourned with formal vote of thanks. (Sd) Mrs. Sita Lakshmi Chinnappa Election Officer Karnataka State Library Association--------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. I.R.N. Goudar Tel: 91-80-25086081Sci F & Head, Information Centre for 91-80-25235315Aerospace Science and Technology Fax: 91-80-25268072National Aerospace Laboratories E-mail: Road, BANGALORE-560 017 India

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