Dear Colleagues and Friends:Greetings! The Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL) cordially invites you to a National Seminar Workshop on "Scaling the Heights of Professional Development" to be held on October 22-24, 2008 at the Regency Inn ,Villa Abrille St., Davao City. This Seminar-Workshop has the following objectives:1. To discuss leadership and management topics, i.e. conflict management, change management and techniques in adapting to a fast changing library work environment that significantly affect the kind of service library professionals and staff extend to a diverse groups of user community2. To help library information professionals and staff better understand the importance of creating balance in professional and personal development3. To give emphasis on the importance of creating a healthy and stress free work environment and help in the promotion of emotional well-being and happy disposition among the library staffInvitation is extended to both professional and library support staff, library managers, information specialists, information managers and researchers who recognize the importance of understanding the importance of providing sound and effective services by taking into consideration the personal and professional development of library personnel.Registration fee is PHP 4,900.00 (live-in). This entitles the participant to 3 days/2 nights stay at the Regency Inn with meals and snacks, conference kit, city tour, certificate of participation, and certificate of attendance, if so required. Likewise, PHP 4,000.00 is charged to accompanying person inclusive of food, accommodation and city tour. For those who will prefer to make arrangements on their own for their accommodations (live-out), seminar fee is PHP 3,500.00 Payments can be made in cash, check or Postal Money Order payable to Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL). Your favorable response to this invitation will be greatly appreciated. Please confirm your reservation on or before October 7, 2008. Only participants with confirmed reservation will be assured of a slot in this Seminar-Workshop.For more details, please contact the undersigned or any of the association' s Officers and Board of Directors.We shall be looking forward to welcoming you in Davao City!Sincerely yours,ELVIRA B. LAPUZChair, Conference CommitteeEmail: elvira.lapuz@ gmail.comTel. (02) 926-1886LORETO T. GARCIAPresidentEmail: loreto.garcia@ jru.eduTel. (02) 531-8031 loc. 15
SOURCE: paarl@yahoogroups. com
CLICK for other seminars, etc.: http://librarysemin arsworkshopsfora .blogspot. com/2008/ 05/september- 10-11-2008- information. html
Thanks to yahoo and google groups!
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