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Monday, 18 August 2008

Papers invited for Prof.LakshmanRao Festschrift Volume

Prof. N. Laxman Rao Festschrift -- Call for Papers

Posted by: "prafulla tv" tallurivpc
Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:04 am (PDT)

Prof. N. Laxman Rao Festschrift
Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues,We are happy to inform you that a festschrift is being published in honour of Dr. N. Laxman Rao, Director, Academic Staff College & Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Osmania University on the occasion of his superannuation in October 2008. Having joined the DLIS, OU in 1975, Prof. Laxman Rao has made outstanding contribution towards enrichment of LIS Education in particular and of LIS profession in general in various roles during a career spanning over three decades. A towering personality who provided inspiring leadership to thousands of LIS teaching and practicing professionals throughout the nation, Prof. Laxman Rao has been a strong advocate for extensive application and proper management of ICTs in LICs to metamorphosise the L&I services for meeting the challenges of the emerging knowledge society. With his simplicity, easy accessibility and ever helpful attitude, he endeared himself to his students, colleagues and professional librarians. He strived to maintain highest professional standards throughout his career, and was highly vocal and daring in voicing his concern and views on professional issues.Prof. Laxman Rao did M.Lib.Sc. from the Banaras Hindu University, M.A. (Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology) from Osmania University, Masters Degree in Information Management from the University of Sheffield, U.K. and LL.B. from Osmania University. He was awarded Ph.D. by the Osmania University in 1993 for his research on the topic “Planning and Implementation of Automated Circulation System for O.U. Library System”. His areas of specialization are Information Technology Management, Information Storage and Retrieval, and Library Cataloguing.He served as the Head, DLIS, OU during the period 1993-1995 and as Chairman, BOS. He participated actively in university’s administrative functions in various capacities. He contributed in building up of a well-equipped computer laboratory in the DLIS, OU to provide best hands-on training on computer applications in LICs. He strongly believed that the LIS curriculum should be revised frequently keeping in view the advances in ICTs in order to develop manpower capable of managing information in competitive environment. He was a member of the UGC Curriculum Development Committee and was associated with UGC-NET, SLET as paper setter and examiner. He organized a meeting of chairpersons of the DLISs from South India to discuss curriculum as part of CDC activity. In his capacity as Course Coordinator for UGC sponsored Refresher Course in LIS organized by the ASC, OU, he conducted successfully several refresher courses. He was the Organizing Secretary for 53rd All India National Conference of ILA, held during 13-16th November, 2007 at Osmania University, Hyderabad. He is a resource person to several universities and also associated with distance education programs of both Indira Gandhi National Open University and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University as editor, course writer and counselor. He has edited 13 books and published around 50 articles in books and journals. The books edited by him include the following: Quality Education in LIS (IATLIS, 2006); Development of Public Libraries in India (2005); Knowledge Societies and Libraries (Prof. A.A.N. Raju Festschrift, 2004); Globalization of LIS Education (IATLIS, 2004); Library Consortia (IATLIS, 2004); Manpower Development for Information Management in Competitive Environment (IATLIS, 2003); Changing Dimensions of LIS Education (IATLIS, 2001); Universe of Knowledge (1998); Fifty Years of LIS Education in India (IATLIS, 1997); Information Technology and Its Impact on LIS Education and Library Management (1997); New Vistas in LIS (Prof. G.V.S.L. Narasimha Raju Festschrift, 1995).Prof. Laxman Rao has been actively involved in various professional associations and served them in various capacities: President, IATLIS & ALSD; Vice President, ILA & IASLIC; Secretary, ALSD. He is Life Member of ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS, SIS, ALSD, and APLA.The proposed festschrift would be a significant contribution to the LIS literature containing invited papers from eminent LIS teachers and professionals from all over India and abroad. The Editorial Committee is pleased to invite you to write a scholarly or research-based paper on any topic of your choice relating to LIS and allied fields. As application of ICTs in LICs, information management, knowledge management and library management are some of the areas which are very dear to Prof. Laxman Rao's heart, we wish to focus on them. The length of the article may be around 3000 words and written in a clear and concise style. For preparing the list of works cited and citing sources in the text, please follow the MLA (Modern Language Association of America) Style. You may wish to visit the following URL for sample examples: http://owl.english. owl/resource/ 557/02/We request all the professional friends to contribute original articles to enable us to bring out the festschrift successfully. A complimentary copy of the festschrift would be provided to the first author of every article accepted for publication.We shall be grateful if you could please let us have your article by September 20, 2008 to facilitate the publication of the festschrift on time. We solicit your valuable cooperation and support to this project which is a symbolic expression of our reverence and love towards Prof. Laxman Rao.We look forward to hear from you soon.With best wishesSincerely

Dr. S. Sudarshan Rao PrincipalUniversity College of Arts & Social Sciences, andProfessor & HeadDepartment of Library and Information ScienceOsmania UniversityHyderabad 500 007
Andhra Pradesh,
IndiaMobile 98492 28980 Phone Office 040 2709 8298, 2768 2225 Residence 040 2703 0777
Email yesyesrao@yahoo. com

Note: Articles can also be sent to T.V. Prafulla Chandra, Editor, Dharma Vana Arboretum, Flat G3, Phase 4, Saptagiri Apartments, Padmarao Nagar, Secunderabad 500 025. Phone Residence 040 2750 5908 Mobile 93962 51106 Email tallurivpc@yahoo. com

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