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Saturday, 31 January 2009

Fw: [LIS-Forum] FW: Ranking of World Web Repositiories

Librarianship is a noble profession.

--- On Thu, 29/1/09, J. K. Vijayakumar <> wrote:
From: J. K. Vijayakumar <>
Subject: [LIS-Forum] FW: Ranking of World Web Repositiories
Date: Thursday, 29 January, 2009, 8:42 PM

Ranking Web of World Repositories just published the latest ranking of January 2009.   Check the top 300 World repositories at  And top 300 Institutional repositories at  Among World repositories, IISc from India stands 39th and ISI stands 105th. The leading International Repository in Library and Information Science and Technology called "E-LIS" 19th in the ranking.   Among Institutional repositories from India, IISc repository stands 28th and ISI repository stands 89th.   Methodology:  Using as basis the data from the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) and The Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpendOAR) the list of repositories is compuled accroding to certain conditions. See more details here about the methodilogy used    ---------------------- Blogged at             _______________________________________________ LIS-Forum mailing list  --  This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.  

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Friday, 30 January 2009

Thank you Vanelligirl

Dear Vanelli
Thank you for your good words, I would like to know more about yourself.
Do visit my blog and offer your comments
Best wishes vanelli.....
From: vanelli
Date: Sep 8, 2008 10:34 PM

Dear Friend,
After going through your profile i am pleased to contact you,
I personally loved people of style and creativity.
Your profile is lively chaming.
I will be glad if you can contact me on
I will wait to hear from you for more details and my full contact.
Regards from
Librarianship is a noble profession.

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Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Fw: [KM-Forum] International Workshop on Knowledge Management (IWKM 2009)-Concluded

Librarianship is a noble profession.

--- On Wed, 28/1/09, Naushad Ali <> wrote:
From: Naushad Ali <>
Subject: [KM-Forum] International Workshop on Knowledge Management (IWKM 2009)-Concluded
Date: Wednesday, 28 January, 2009, 6:58 PM

Dear Professionals

            An International Workshop on Knowledge Management (IWKM 2009)  was organized by Maulana Azad Library, Aligarh Muslim University , Aligarh fromJanuary 24-25, 2009 .

The major objectives of the workshop were:

  • To identify Knowledge Management implementation in various corporate and academic institutes.
  • To understand the processes involved in capturing and sharing organization's knowledge assets, both tacit and explicit.
  • To learn handling of select KM models/technology tools such as MASK, KMM, CKF etc for developing KM in the respective fields of participants.
  • To identify constraints and challenges, while implementing Knowledge Management programme.


The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis, the Vice Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University , Aligarh . In his speech, he said "A creative approach to KM in R & D institutions can result higher research productivity and information flow" and  he emphasized the need of capturing tacit knowledge of scientists and academicians using modern communication technology.

Padamshri Prof. P. N. Kaula, Chief guest of the function highlighted the importance of KM in present society. The  concept of KM is fast developing and the time is here to implement the application of KM in Libraries and Information Centers .


Prof. Jean-Louis Ermine, Associate Dean, TELECOM School of Management , Paris France delivered keynote address.


Prof.  Ermine was the main resource person. Dr. Parag Sanghani, Director, AESMPGIBM, Ahmedabad, Dr. Debahsis Patnaik, IIT Kanpur and Dr. Zafar Numani, Dept. law, AMU delivered lectures on different aspects of KM.


About ninety delegates from libraries, management, IT, medicine, corporate, NGO and research organizations from India and abroad participated in the two day workshop.


Prof. Ermine gave hands on training in KMM and CKF models of KM technology. Study materials were distributed along with few exercises and presentations on CD-ROM for further developing their KM expertise. A cultural evening was also organized on 24th Jan.


Prof. V.K Abdul Jaleel, The Registrar, Aligarh Muslim University , Aligarh distributed the certificates to the participants in the valedictory function.


Dr. Naushad Ali P.M

Reader/Organizing Secretary

IWKM 2009

Dr. Naushad Ali P.M
Deptt. of Library and Information Science
Aligarh Muslim University , Aligarh, India-202 002
Tel:0571-2720119 (Res), Cell:
Email:pmnaushadali@ in,naushadali. amu@gmail. com

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Fw: M.S. in Library and Information Science

Librarianship is a noble profession.

--- On Wed, 28/1/09, librarian Dr krishna <> wrote:
From: librarian Dr krishna <>
Subject: M.S. in Library and Information Science
To: "Librarian@LIS" <>
Date: Wednesday, 28 January, 2009, 6:40 PM

orkut Powered by  Google
Indian Statistical Institute
Documentation Research and Training Centre
8th Mile, Mysore Road, Bangalore 560059

M.S. in Library and Information Science

With the emergence of knowledge-centered economies and the knowledge
society, Information & Knowledge Management has emerged as a major area of
concern and importance to large corporate houses, R & D Institutions and
even governments. The area cuts across several disciplines including
Information Technology, Library Science, and Management sciences, to
mention a few. The Documentation Research & Training Centre, a unit of the
Indian Statistical Institute, founded by Late Prof. S. R. Ranganathan is
an internationally recognized centre for advanced training and research in
this area. The DRTC now offers a novel M.S. Programme in Library &
Information Science with the primary objective of preparing the next
generation information managers. This new and unique programme offers an
ideal blend of courses spanning library science, information technology,
knowledge management and quantitative studies. The graduates of the
programme will find excellent openings in industry, especially the IT
industry, R & D organizations and institutions of higher education &
research. For those with an aptitude for higher studies and research the
M.S. Programme provides a solid foundation for Ph.D. programmes. Several
universities across the country have recognized DRTC as a centre for
doctoral research.


The minimum qualification for admission to the M.S. programme is a
Bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian or foreign
university (obtained after a minimum of 12+3 years of education) with at
least 60% marks in the qualifying examination.


Selection of candidates for the M.S. programme will be based on academic
records and performance of the candidate in an all-India written entrance
test and interview. There is no tuition fee for the programme and all

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Tuesday, 27 January 2009


Ode to the Librarian
by Jennifer Jacobs
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Rated "G" by the Author.

The Librarian (with a capital L)
Is a saint who knows
She can't lock herself in a tower
She lives in the Library, her back to the door
And answers questions from patrons who call
In quiet, confused voices
Or with loud, angry demands
Or as an afterthought, mistakenly convinced she can offer nothing they don't already know
The Librarian turns no one away

The Librarian
Is closely related to
The Sorceress and the Poet
But her painful modesty and disturbing sense of propriety
Have prevented her from recognizing the kinship
And accepting her family's riches

The Librarian has, instead
Collected vast riches of her own
She knows the books are very important
Though she isn't sure…
Maybe some of them are more important
Than others
She has to read them
To see

and she's entranced and she forgets the others the pain and the beauty
The knowledge

"Oh, another patron…"

and she's entranced and she forgets the others the pain and the beauty
The knowledge

"Okay…the task at hand"

Was that a clue? Does he know something?
She sets aside the book she was reading, and follows the clue

and she's entranced and she forgets the others the pain and the beauty
The knowledge

Wouldn't it confuse her to find out
How much the Sorceress and the Poet
Admire her and how
Their painful modesty and disturbing sense of propriety
Have prevented them from recognizing the kinship
And accepting their family's riches…


Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

Monday, 26 January 2009

20090127gb - Video lecture - live by Dr.Eric Chivian (nobel laureate - 1985)

Lecture by Eric Chivian
26th Jan 2009
The best part of my visit to Techfesta was attending a live video lecture (video conference) by ERIC Chivian (recipient of Noble peace price in the year 1985) on Sustaining life. The Earth's biodiversity - the rich variety of life on our planet - is disappearing at an alarming rate.  And while human health depends, to a larger extent than we might imagine, on biodiversity, the essential relationship is rarely addressed.  JDr. Erick Chivian lectured on the importance of biodiversity to human health - from medicines, biomedical research, infectios diseases, and food production to the ecosystem services that support life on earth, and learn why we can no longer see ourselves as separate from the natural world. , nor assume that we will be unharmed by its alteration.
Eric Chivian is the recipient of the 1985 Nobel peace prize.  He is the Founder and Director of the Centre of Health and the Global Environment, and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

Librarianship is a noble profession.

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Monday, 5 January 2009

Fw: [LIS-Forum] Vacancy of "ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN"

Librarianship is a noble profession.

--- On Mon, 5/1/09, mahammad rafi havaragi <> wrote:
From: mahammad rafi havaragi <>
Subject: [LIS-Forum] Vacancy of "ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN"
Date: Monday, 5 January, 2009, 10:36 AM

Dear Friends,

This is to inform you all that NMKRV College for Women requires "Assistant Librarian" for its Degree college Library 

Consolidated Salary: Rs. 5,000/- per month.

 below 30 years and holding First Class in 
B.Lib.I.Sc.or  D L I Sc may apply.
Experiance: 1 to 2 years
Apply Within 8 days.
Send your Resume to : or
For more detail, please contact Librarian.

Mahammad Rafi. M. H.
NMKRV College for Women
3rd block Jayanagar.
Mobile:- 9740069587

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Friday, 2 January 2009

Thank you Achala.... let the new year bring all happiness, prosperity and lots and lots of smiles to you and your family...

Thank you to have
remembered us on the
eve of new year... let the new year 2009 bring all
happiness, prosperity and lots and lots of
smiles to you and your family... Let
Achala 2009 watches flood the market!

Librarianship is a noble profession.

Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.

Happy birthday, Happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Respected Sir,
Let the new year bring all happiness, peace and
good health to you and your family. I relish this
moment to wish you all the best on the eve of
new year 2009. I look forward for your blessings
all through.
Advance wishes to you on your birthday that
coincides with new year celebrations.
Happy birthday to you sir.
Kindly have a look at my professional
LIS blog and offer your comments for
its improvement.... It has about 50 authors
and is the link.....
Rajashekhar Devarai

Librarianship is a noble profession.

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Library 2.0

Library 2.0

From: arnabnag,
1 hour ago

Library 2.0
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: library 2.0)

Library 2.0, Web 2.0

SlideShare Link

Thursday, 1 January 2009


Thank you, and wish you the same....

Librarianship is a noble profession.

--- On Thu, 1/1/09, Sharmi <> wrote:
From: Sharmi <>
To: "RajLibrarian IndiaLibrarianIntl" <>, "Information@ Dr krishna" <>, "" <>, "debjyoti basak" <>, "Main Debasis Hoo ......." <>
Date: Thursday, 1 January, 2009, 3:10 PM

Dear Friends, 

I wish you Health...
So you may enjoy each day in comfort.

I wish you the Beauty of nature...
That you may enjoy the work of God.

I wish you Wisdom to choose priorities...
For those things that really matter in life.

I wish you Generousity so you may share...
All good things that come to you.

I wish you Happiness and Joy...
And Blessings for the New Year.

I wish you the best of everything...
That you so well deserve.



Always Keep Smiling :)
With Best Wishes and Regards,
Sharmila Bose
Documentation-cum-Asssitant Librarian
Centre for Women's Studies
North Bengal University

Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Get before others grab.