1816gbgv --- On Thu, 29/1/09, J. K. Vijayakumar <vjkjk@yahoo.com> wrote: From: J. K. Vijayakumar <vjkjk@yahoo.com> |
Check out the all-new Messenger 9.0! Click here.
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1816gbgv --- On Thu, 29/1/09, J. K. Vijayakumar <vjkjk@yahoo.com> wrote: From: J. K. Vijayakumar <vjkjk@yahoo.com> |
Dear Vanelli Thank you for your good words, I would like to know more about yourself. Do visit my blog and offer your comments Best wishes vanelli..... RajLibrarian India ____________________________________ From: vanelli Date: Sep 8, 2008 10:34 PM Dear Friend, After going through your profile i am pleased to contact you, I personally loved people of style and creativity. Your profile is lively chaming. I will be glad if you can contact me on vanelligirl_1985@yahoo.com I will wait to hear from you for more details and my full contact. Regards from Vanelli 1816gbgv |
1816gbgv --- On Wed, 28/1/09, Naushad Ali <pmnaushadali@yahoo.co.in> wrote: From: Naushad Ali <pmnaushadali@yahoo.co.in> |
1816gbgv --- On Wed, 28/1/09, librarian Dr krishna <4867348992493532226@mail.orkut.com> wrote: From: librarian Dr krishna <4867348992493532226@mail.orkut.com> |
Lecture by Eric Chivian 26th Jan 2009 The best part of my visit to Techfesta was attending a live video lecture (video conference)...live by ERIC Chivian (recipient of Noble peace price in the year 1985) on Sustaining life. The Earth's biodiversity - the rich variety of life on our planet - is disappearing at an alarming rate. And while human health depends, to a larger extent than we might imagine, on biodiversity, the essential relationship is rarely addressed. JDr. Erick Chivian lectured on the importance of biodiversity to human health - from medicines, biomedical research, infectios diseases, and food production to the ecosystem services that support life on earth, and learn why we can no longer see ourselves as separate from the natural world. , nor assume that we will be unharmed by its alteration. Eric Chivian is the recipient of the 1985 Nobel peace prize. He is the Founder and Director of the Centre of Health and the Global Environment, and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. RajLibrarian 1816gbgv |
1816gbgv --- On Mon, 5/1/09, mahammad rafi havaragi <havaragimm@yahoo.co.in> wrote: From: mahammad rafi havaragi <havaragimm@yahoo.co.in> |
Thank you Achala....to to have remembered us on the eve of new year... let the new year 2009 bring all happiness, prosperity and lots and lots of smiles to you and your family... Let Achala 2009 watches flood the market! RajLibrarian 1816gbgv |
TO PROF.TIKEKAR Respected Sir, Let the new year bring all happiness, peace and good health to you and your family. I relish this moment to wish you all the best on the eve of new year 2009. I look forward for your blessings all through. Advance wishes to you on your birthday that coincides with new year celebrations. Happy birthday to you sir. Kindly have a look at my professional LIS blog and offer your comments for its improvement.... It has about 50 authors and contributors.....here is the link..... Rajashekhar Devarai 1816gbgv |
Thank you, and wish you the same.... RajLibrarian 1816gbgv --- On Thu, 1/1/09, Sharmi <sharmi.wb@gmail.com> wrote: From: Sharmi <sharmi.wb@gmail.com> |