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--- On Wed, 28/1/09, librarian Dr krishna <> wrote: From: librarian Dr krishna <> Subject: M.S. in Library and Information Science To: "Librarian@LIS" <> Date: Wednesday, 28 January, 2009, 6:40 PM
| Powered by | |  | | |  | | Indian Statistical Institute Documentation Research and Training Centre 8th Mile, Mysore Road, Bangalore 560059
M.S. in Library and Information Science
With the emergence of knowledge-centered economies and the knowledge society, Information & Knowledge Management has emerged as a major area of concern and importance to large corporate houses, R & D Institutions and even governments. The area cuts across several disciplines including Information Technology, Library Science, and Management sciences, to mention a few. The Documentation Research & Training Centre, a unit of the Indian Statistical Institute, founded by Late Prof. S. R. Ranganathan is an internationally recognized centre for advanced training and research in this area. The DRTC now offers a novel M.S. Programme in Library & Information Science with the primary objective of preparing the next generation information managers. This new and unique programme offers an ideal blend of courses spanning library science, information technology, knowledge management and quantitative studies. The graduates of the programme will find excellent openings in industry, especially the IT industry, R & D organizations and institutions of higher education & research. For those with an aptitude for higher studies and research the M.S. Programme provides a solid foundation for Ph.D. programmes. Several universities across the country have recognized DRTC as a centre for doctoral research.
The minimum qualification for admission to the M.S. programme is a Bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized Indian or foreign university (obtained after a minimum of 12+3 years of education) with at least 60% marks in the qualifying examination.
Selection of candidates for the M.S. programme will be based on academic records and performance of the candidate in an all-India written entrance test and interview. There is no tuition fee for the programme and all e
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