Are you passionate about writing and would you like to write and publish on libraries, librarians and books in this blog ?Write to LbnRaj at : and request for an invite.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

20090730 - good morning

July 30, 2009




The joy of service


"A persons life is  judged by how it touches the lives of others.  It is what we leave behind, and how much positive effect we have and how much we help others specially those who cant help themselves".


Arnold Schwarzenegger,

(a former Mr. Universe, is a well known fitness enthusiast and actor.)


pp.24-25 IN

Personal excellence/Ken Shelton 

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



July 29, 2009




The maturity challenge


Life is always ready and open at our side to share its resources,. It simply awaits our embrace.  It offers us our choices, approves our decisions and walks in our direction.  It is continuously forgiving, amazingly adjustable, always accepting and forever encouraging.  It is willing at any given moment to start afresh.  It attempts always to guide us toward becoming our fully functional and active selves, for in this way, it can embrace itself.  Only life after all, begets life.  There is nothing to fear.  "Hemingway said, " Man was not made for defeat." Armed with life on our side and life time to experiment, the odds are in our favor.


Leo Buscalgia

(Well-known author of many books, including "Personhood(Fawcell/Columbia))


pp.89-92 IN

Personal excellence/Ken Shelton 




Librarianship is a noble profession.

Looking for local information? Find it on Yahoo! Local

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

A thought of the day for librarians!

July 29, 2009




The maturity challenge


Life is always ready and open at our side to share its resources,. It simply awaits our embrace.  It offers us our choices, approves our decisions and walks in our direction.  It is continuously forgiving, amazingly adjustable, always accepting and forever encouraging.  It is willing at any given moment to start afresh.  It attempts always to guide us toward becoming our fully functional and active selves, for in this way, it can embrace itself.  Only life after all, begets life.  There is nothing to fear.  "Hemingway said, " Man was not made for defeat." Armed with life on our side and life time to experiment, the odds are in our favor.


Leo Buscalgia

(Well-known author of many books, including "Personhood(Fawcell/Columbia))


pp.89-92 IN

Personal excellence/Ken Shelton 

Librarianship is a noble profession.

See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Yahoo! Buzz.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Re: Request

Dear Charu,
Thank you for your useful suggestions. I will try to look at the options you have opened for me . Let us learn from each other. thanks for your kind words about the blog for which you are an important contributor.
Best wishes

Librarianship is a noble profession.

--- On Fri, 24/7/09, Charu <> wrote:

From: Charu <>
Subject: Request
To: "RajLibrarian IndiaLibrarianIntl" <>
Date: Friday, 24 July, 2009, 11:17 PM

Dear Sir,
Greeting for the day,
I just want to make a humble request., That the blog u have developed ,,,,,,,,no doubt a symbol of dedication towards the profession,,,
in this regard,,,,i want to make some suggestions,,,,,,,,,,
1. instead blogspot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,u can try wordspace,com for blogging,,,,,,,,,,,,,this have much features and flexibility
2. google doc is the best collaborative tool,,,,,and on sharing basis, every member can use it,,,,,,,,so that dependency on mail can be avoided
3, wikispace is also same tool ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,can be used to disseminate the information
beside many other groupware tools are there by which we can strengthens our group.
I would be feel pleasure and proud if you come with more suggestions and feel free to point out my mistakes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Thanks and Regards,
Miss Charu Mathur,

Looking for local information? Find it on Yahoo! Local

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Copyright Law and Libraries

Dear Friends,
Many times it happnes that our learned friends hesitate to provide any type of reference service to their user, where they supposed to provide any type of photocopy or xerox is to be provieded. Due to violation of copyright law, they pull their foot back which in turn becomes the violation of third rule that every user has/his information and so on. In this regard I want to make some clarification.
that Section 51 of Indain copyright law 1957 is adamant to enact the general rule that reproduction of the whole or substantial part of a work will constitute infringement, section 52 provides that reproduction is not precluded and specifies the instances where it is permitted. Section 52 of same act, has been much vocal about certain act which not to be infringement of copyright. Subject to certain conditions, a fair deal for research, study, criticism, review and news reporting, as well as use of works in library and schools and in the legislatures, is permitted without specific permission of the copyright owners. In order to protect the interests of users, some exemptions have been prescribed in respect of specific uses of works enjoying copyright. Some of the exemptions are the uses of the work ---------

i. purpose of research or private study,
ii. for criticism or review,
iii. for reporting current events
iv. in connection with judicial proceeding, v. performance by an amateur club or society if the performance is given to a non-paying audience, and
vi. the making of sound recordings of literary, dramatic or musical works under certain conditions. Accordingly any fair dealing with a literary(other than a computer programme), dramatic, musical or artistic work for the purpose of private use, research, criticism or review, reporting current events, judicial proceedings and so on are exempted from the scope of infringement. There are specific exemptions for educational activities and certain cultural activities like performance during the course of a religious ceremony, marriage and so on.
2. Secondly. that once a work falls into the public domain, and has been exposed to such use as well as direct exploitation, it is not considered appropriate to bring it back within the sphere of copyright protection: Thus Article 18 of the Berne Convention provides that when a country accedes to the Berne Convention the Convention shall apply only to those works which have not yet fallen into the public domain. In other words, the material is available on public domain does not covered under copyright act in any condition. Secondly , a casual user may fall under infringement of copyright if he willingly download the material from internet, but Libraries already covered under fair use doctrine so are exempted from the violation of copyright law.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

July 22, 2009 - Wednesday

July 22, 2009 - Wednesday



Today's Prayer

In the night of weariness let me give myself up to sleep without struggle, resting my trust upon thee. 

Let me not force my flagging spirit into a poor preparation for thy worship. 

It is you who draw the veil of night upon the tired eyes of the day to renew its sight in a fresher gladness of awakening

(Ravindranath Tagore – Gitanjali pp 25 – Indialog publications)



Thought for the day


The winners mind set must be internalized through the constant reinforcement by reading books, listening to tapes and associating with people we can grow with, so that we will respond to our next challenge, instinctively and habitually.  The hero's journey does not necessarily involve moving mountains.  We can be heroes at home, at work or in our communities.  And it is through the constant reinforcement of the winners attitude that we can all become heroes.

-Vincent Lombardi

-pp40-43 In : Personal Excellence/Ken Shelton (ed).-Mumbai :

Jaico, 2009 (Published for Readers Digest readers).

Librarianship is a noble profession.

Looking for local information? Find it on Yahoo! Local


Librarianship is a noble profession.

--- On Tue, 14/7/09, librarian Dr krishna <> wrote:

From: librarian Dr krishna <>
Subject: orkut - N K C REPORT BY SAM PATRODA
To: "Librarian@LIS" <>
Date: Tuesday, 14 July, 2009, 7:56 AM


Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
Public libraries play a pivotal role in dissemination

of knowledge. In your inaugural address for the

National Knowledge Commission on 2nd August

2005, you had recognized public libraries as an

extremely important element of the foundation

of a knowledge economy. Following up from this,

the NKC has consulted extensively with diverse

stakeholders. As part of this process, we also

constituted a Working Group of experts and

professionals. Their names are listed at the

end of this letter. There is a widespread

agreement that there is an urgent need for reform

in the Libraries and Information Services (LIS) sector.

Several initiatives in this regard have already been

taken by the Government. Our recommendations

for formulating strategies in the LIS sector are as follows:

1.0 Set up a National Commission on

Libraries: A permanent, independent and

financially autonomous National Commission

on Libraries should be eventually set up by the

Central Government as a statutory body to address

all the information and learning needs of the citizens

of India. To launch the process in mission mode, a

National Mission on Libraries should be set up

immediately, for a period of three years. The

Mission should subsequently be converted into

a Permanent Commission. Further details

regarding the role of the proposed National

Mission/ Commission on Libraries are at Annexure 1.

2.0 Prepare a National Census of all Libraries:

A national census of all libraries should be

prepared by undertaking a nation-wide survey.

Collection of census data on libraries would

provide baseline data for planning. The Task

Force that has been set up by the Department

of Culture for this purpose should be given financial

and administrative support to implement this activity

and complete the survey on a priority basis (within

one year). Survey of user needs and reading habits

should be periodic at the national level as part of the

National Sample Survey.

3.0 Revamp LIS Education, Training and Research facilities:

The propo

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Fw: [LIS-Forum] Post Graduate Diploma in Application of Open Source Software in Library (PGDAOSSL)

Librarianship is a noble profession.

--- On Tue, 14/7/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [LIS-Forum] Post Graduate Diploma in Application of Open Source Software in Library (PGDAOSSL)
Date: Tuesday, 14 July, 2009, 10:40 AM

Hello all,

     There are many Open Source softwares that have dominated the
University and Library Services today.

     For Example, Open Office, Dspace, NewGenlib, Moodle, Brihaspati
(Virtual Classroom softwares), Drupal, Zope, Joomla (CMS) are the
common packages found in most of the Institutions.

     As UGC is itself promoting the use of OpenSource, cutting cost, etc.,
most of the autonomous institutions are favouring Open Source.

      Many a times, it is the Librarians who has to upload relevant
content to the respected Softwares.  It is always better that
Librarians are trained in understanding the Operating System and
respective softwares, so that they are independent in handling many
of the common errors in their day today activities.

      Ofcourse, Skilled Teachers,infrastructure are an issue. Now
reasonably good Laptops are available which can be used for
experimenting purpose.

      I strongly support, that, Diploma in Open Source is a added feather
to the curriculum.

Information Scientist
National Law School of India University
Bangalore 560 072.

> If one considers 'Librarian as a Teacher', then learning as many software
> as possible is always welcome.  Libraries which are the test beds for such
> software can always pass on the knowledge to the needy.  The option of
> learing OSS, specialising in one or more, should be left to the
> individuals.
> Therefore, I personally feel, the idea of starting such a programme seems
> to be good. However, its feasibility and long sustainability, considering
> the availability of experts/faculty members, infra-structure and the cost
> ( course fee ) involved, need to be closely looked at.
> Finally, when there can be post-graduate diplomas in networking, computer
> application, etc, for librarians, offered in distance mode with more
> emphasis on theory, why not a full-time course for OSS as suggested by
> Mr.Barman ?. I very appreciate the intent and its usefulness.
> For the benefit of all the professionals in the country, it is ideal to
> have such a programme in at least 4-5 major cities.  Institutions like
> INFLIBNET, NCSI, DRTC, ISIM, INSDOC [NISCAIR], etc., can make significant
> contributions  to this venture.
> thanks,
>        Dr.G.K.Manjunath
>        Chief Librarian
>        Indira Gandhi Inst of Development Research
>        Film City Road
>        Santosh Nagar
>        Goregaon(East )
>        MUMBAI - 400 065
>                     Phone:    022-28416528
> On Fri, 10 Jul 2009, Prof. N. Laxman Rao. wrote:
>> helo
>> i wnt to express my doubts abt this course. do u wnt to make librarians
>> or teachers? if it is teacher he may be interested to know many
>> software, so tht he can teach. but a librarian applies only one software
>> for automation or one software for digital library and so on. the use of
>> such software can be learnt in 2 weeks. then wht the librarians will do
>> by learning use of many softwares. these softwares do get updated, and
>> without using is it possible to keep track of updates?  newer and newer
>> sofwares are coming at fast rate? hw long u will update ur syllabus.
>> there are problems with OSS too. In India we donot hav usergroups to
>> sort out the problems,. we have seen till today professional frnds do
>> not know wht is CDS/ISIS, and they think it is Library management
>> software? many schools teach the same till now. we need to replace the
>> CDS/ISIS with one of the best OSS and make the student a master so tht
>> he can use it and also keep track of the developments.
>> i think tht this program is not advisable, ad i am surprised with the
>> idea. there are many library professionals at every corner of this
>> country, who can teach KOHA, D Space, Green stone etc. butmake the
>> program much more useful and let the students do not get taken for a
>> ride. all the best for the [proposed program with best wishes
>> Prof. N.LAXMAN RAO, 
>> UGC- EMERITUS PROFESSOR,  Dept of Library & Information Science,
>> Osmania University, HYDERABAD- 500 007 (INDIA)
>> President, Association of British Scholars (Hyderabad Chapter)
>> +91-9246547599 (Mobile)
>> e:mail-- OR
> --
> This message has been scanned for viruses and
> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
> believed to be clean.
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Fw: [LIS-Forum] NewgenLib


--- On Mon, 20/7/09, sk riajuddin <> wrote:

From: sk riajuddin <>
Subject: [LIS-Forum] NewgenLib
Date: Monday, 20 July, 2009, 9:08 AM

Dear All,
I am glad to inform all the forum member that Royal Thimphu College,the first private college in Bhutan having 2000 title have digitized the Library through NewgenLib software.
With regards--
Sk Riajuddin
Royal Thimphu College

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dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
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LIS-Forum mailing list

See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Yahoo! Buzz.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Fw: follow our blogs...

--- On Thu, 16/7/09, kerala librarian <> wrote:

From: kerala librarian <>
Subject: follow our blogs...

Date: Thursday, 16 July, 2009, 5:52 PM

Dear Sir / Madam,

Kindly request you to follow our blog to keep aware of the activities and latest news on LIS profession in Kerala...

thank you
view our blogs at

Fw: Hello from Tatyana - St Petersbert - Russia

Hello from Tatyana - St.Petersberg - Russia


-- On Thu, 16/7/09, tatyana moskovtseva <> wrote:

From: tatyana moskovtseva <;
Subject: Hello
Date: Thursday, 16 July, 2009, 1:55 AM

Hello dear Raj ! `

I hope you are safe and sound . Mostly people are busy in summer with their different affairs.

As to me … I am so sorry that I don't write you. It is destiny of all my friends in internet.. I'm too busy with my English lessons that I give to some pupils, with my work in boiler house, with my grandson , with my garden.. Now I gather strawberries and raspberries and sell them.

Besides my Russian friend which now lives in Israel asked me to arrange excursion for people from Israel . And you know my English is worthy to talk about everyday and common things but not about art, history, architecture and so on. I'm professional guide, yet only in Russian ,

So I'm reading special books in English, listening CD and try all what I know about Saint-Petersburg in Russian to translate in English. It is terrible ! so many new terms and special words I must know! And I have very bad pronunciation because of my defect: I fail pronounce sound "R" in Russian :- )

I'm afraid very much. How it will be my first excursion? If I would manage, we agreed with my friend that he would send other tourists to me. And maybe it will be a new job for me?

At any rate all my friends which will come to Petersburg (perhaps) will be pleased with me and my guiding them around Petersburg .

So I invite you again, yet I will be little free in the middle of August.

I send some photos of my garden this spring, my apple-trees and my cherry-trees… it is the tiny piece of it. and trip to Italy . I've been twice abroad in my life. To the east and to the west… and if I would go anywhere again… I'm choosing certainly India and Nepal again.. not Europe .

Please write me how are you, what are you doing,… and don't forget me ..I remember all of you, say my warm hello Sharada and children.

unfortunately I use my internet for exchange letters with my friends in late autumn and winter… in general

I hope soon my days will not be so hectic .

best wishes and with love to your family.


Unfotunetly I stopped my writing about trip for a while, which lasts already year...

as to your work in russia, it is useless ...because I , for example, a good editor can`t find job, a lot of professors now without job. russia now (and before) never appreciates its minds and educated people. In India is not the same. You should live in here to understand it, and you should live in here to make proper agquintances to make cariera....

I will send you my post addres, yet later, I must find out how it sounds in english, besides i don`t know my post cod,



ILI authors and contributors list

Dhanush raja.K author -

animirevi author -

Anuja author -

Anzar.A author

Tahira Khan author -

Arnab Nag author -

Archana Singh author -

Bharti Joshi author -

Knowledge Manager author -

Shruti Dwivedi author -

Dr.B.S.Swaroop Rani author -

Harjinder Dhaliwal author -

Hetal author -

harshali author -

Jai Haravu author -

Kanwal Dhindsa, Librarian, GNDEC, Ludhiana author -

Nadim Khan author -

Kamal Chaurasia author -

lathahema author -

Charu author -

lib author -

RajLibrarian admin

monty author -

Asha Das author -

marcia author -

meena author -

gayathri author -

Naveena Acharya author -

Neha Joshi author -

Asif Munir author -

Paramjit singh author -






LIS: I'm loving IT...

safiqur rahaman

sandip Thakare







Sujata B

Suresh Nair

Laura Suttell

The Voyager




Venkata Kesavan

ASB Library



Mrs. Deepa Garg

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

Friday, 17 July 2009

walk-in-Interview at Punjab University

Dear friends,

A Walk-in-Interview for constitution of a panel of
Library Assistants will be held on 3.8.2009 at 11.00 a.m. in the
office of the Librarian, A.C. Joshi Library, Panjab University,
Chandigarh. The appointments will be made on contract basis on fixed
emoluments of Rs. 9000/- p.m. for working six days a week on morning/
evening shift basis, against vacant posts/leave vacancies in the
University Library System at Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Muktsar and

For details follow the following link:

With Best Wishes,

Gautam Bahl
Asstt. Librarian,
A.C.Joshi Library,
Panjab University,
Chandigarh - 160014

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Upcoming Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and Refresher Courses in LIS in India: Fourth Workshop on "Creation and Dissemination of Knowledge", New Delhi.

Upcoming Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and Refresher Courses in LIS in India: Fourth Workshop on "Creation and Dissemination of Knowledge", New Delhi.

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

Fwd: LIS Leadership Forum - Workshop Update

From hetal italiya

SUB: Invitation for Participation in "INFORMATION LITERACY FOR LIBRARIANS: a two day workshop for Librarians of Saurashtra Region"

DATE:- 1st & 2nd August 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,

Library and Learning center of Atmiya Institute of Technology and Science, Rajkot in association with Saurashtra University are organizing a two day workshop for the Librarians of Saurashtra Region on the theme - "Information Literacy for Librarians". Please find enclosed herewith the brochure and registration form for details of the same.

The workshop is being conducted keeping in mind the current trends in the Library and Information Science Profession. The topics have been selected in a way that all the Librarians and LIS professionals who attend this workshop will Learn about Information Literacy concept and also get empowered to create one for their users. The focus is on the Internet and the Free and Open access resources with the help of which one can provide good number of services to its users in current times.

We look forward for the active participation of your Librarian and other Library Staff in the workshop. In this occasion a proposal to form SAULIBNET (Saurashtra Library Network) will also be made thus we would like to have your valuable inputs in making it an effective tool in upgrading the present status of the academic libraries in Saurashtra region.

Join us and make this workshop a breakthrough event in the field of Library and science in the Saurashtra Region.

For queries or more information please contact and visit the website

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Sheetal D Tank,
YOGIDHAM, Kalawad Road,
RAJKOT - 360 005 (GUJARAT)

Thanking You

To unsubscribe from these mailings, click here: Please unsubscribe me

Mrs.Kanwaljit Kaur Dhindsa
Central Library
Guru Nanak Dev Engg. College
Ludhiana (Pb) India


Updation in EG@

Dear e-Granthalaya Users,

1. We are making regular efforts to make the e-Granthalaya Software with more and more features, user-friendly and easy to install. In the recent past, we have removed the "SQL Reporting Services" from the application as it was cumbersome to install and setup the Service at Server PC. In place of "SQL Reporting Service", now we have added "Crystal Reports" which are wrapped with the application and no need to install separately.

2. In this series of simplification of the application, now we have removed "GranthService" layer also from the application, especially, where database is residing either in the same/local PC or on LAN. Due to this, now there two variants of the e-Granthalaya Ver.3.0:-

A). eG3 with Local/LAN database connectivity where database is available in local/same pc or on LAN
B). eG3 with Remote/WAN database connectivity where database is available in remote PC. e.g. ZSI, BSI and NIC databases are hosted in NIC Server in Delhi. In such situation, these libraries will continue the use of "GranthService" layer.

eG3 Updates:

3. Now eG3 Update is available for "eG3 Client Program" for download/install from our server. The eG3 Client Program can also be updated/installed direct onto your client PC from the following URL:
4. This update is for all the eG3 users except BSI, ZSI and NIC libraries...these libraries can update their client program from the following lcoation:

5. To install the eG3 latest update, first un-install the existing Client program (not the database) from all clients PC and then run the "setup" program direct from the above mentioned URL by clicking the INSTALL button.
6. On successful installation, database connectivity form (in place of GranthService Form) will be opened with the following 4 text boxes where u have to provide the database info:
i). Database Server Name: copy this name from first screen of the SQL Server 2005 management studio
ii). Database Name:
iii). Login/Databse User Name
Iv). Password

NOTE: It is advisable to update the client software first in a single PC. on successful updation then other client PCs can be updated accordingly. Also before updation, take the database backup.

After updation, you must check all the utilities and data of the library. In case, you observe any error pl communicate us for correction.

1. All reports are added
2. Some of the bugs removed
3. Database connectivity method changed, removed the GranthService layer.

Future updation: After this updation, we will again re-check the reports and if required reports will be modified accordingly. Also, more features will be added.

Autoamtic Updation: Future updation will be done automatically in case Client PCs are on internet.

Users are requested to send the feedback about the software and in case they need to suggest any addition/modification, they may send us in the email. Also, in case users need to add new Report then they may send us the Format of the Report


with regards

Ram Kumar Matoria
Technical Director
Library & Information Services Division
A-Block, CGO Complex,
New Delhi -110 003

Ph. 011-24305487
IP Phone: 5487

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Have a look at Today's librarians in news in thier wonderful colours....FOLLOW THE LINK

Have a look at Today's librarians in news in thier wonderful colours....FOLLOW THE LINK

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

Friday, 3 July 2009

Random pics and thoughts of a Librarian!! Librarian and tension ... no way together!!!!!!!!!

tension : Tension and Librarians ... no way ...!!!
Logical and illogical, rational and irrational random pics and thoughts of a Librarian!!

20090704 - Saturday - 0912am : Tension is good dear!

Hi there,

Tension is the most unwanted thing by every one. No one likes to be in tension or under tension. The way it increases our temperature, the way it increases our pulse beat, the way it at times shakes us, the way it makes us tremble, the way it makes us cry shout, the way it makes us aggressive, the way it makes us dead over silent .... who welcomes, who wishes to be under tension. Every one wishes to avoid situations that cause tension, every one would wish to avaoid people, situations that cause tension. Never the less tension does occur to all of us at times, many a times, some times ... unanticipated ... un announced. It is part and parcel of our life ... it is one of the normal part of our behaviour... it is normal part of peoples behaviour. Indeed it is not bad to be under tension. When we are confronted with too many things to be accomplished, when we miss a train .... when we were heading for an interview ... meeting, when we are faced with an accident ... and we were heading for an exam ... when a close friend relative shows an untoward, unusual ... shocking behaviour. ..... tension occurs ... when our mind cannot accept certain things... in that particular moment. What is important is to understand the whole thing. Tension is very natural ... tension should not be avoided ... it should be faced consciously. Tension according to me is the hot / cold feeling that we have about an incident, accident etc. The sequence of things that happened at a particular moment have nothing to do ... our fealing and realisation that we are in trouble is a problem. The problem is not in facing the situation, the problem is not in speeding up the works... the problem is not in handling too many things at a time, the problem is not in situations, the prolbem is in the the people around us whom we consider as problematic .... the problem is in the way we react and respond to that situation, which caused tension, unrest. The best way to handle tension is to relax, focus on the works in hand... be objective in handling things one by one ... cooolly.

Now what is so bad in TENSION? Great works that are accomplished by us in different walk of our lives ... get done under tension ... am I right? Things that are impossible happen under tension. Things that we never imagined to do ... get done when we are at the pitch of our tension ... the so called unwanted tension.

Let us welcome tension dear .... the moment we welcome tension ... tension is gone. Tensions are energigers .. tensions are tonics ... tensions are boosters ... let us employ our tensions in constructive works. We can do it..... we have done it at times ... am I right?


Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

Fw: [LIS-Forum] Opening of Library Trainee positions at the ResourceCentre, DA-IICT Gandhinagar, Gujarat

--- On Thu, 2/7/09, TSKumbar <> wrote:

From: TSKumbar <>
Subject: [LIS-Forum] Opening of Library Trainee positions at the ResourceCentre, DA-IICT Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Date: Thursday, 2 July, 2009, 5:07 PM

Dear Colleagues,
Kindly bring the following announcement to the notice of interested candidates and also request you to recommend potential candadates.
Subject: Opening of Library Trainee positions at the Resource  Centre, DA-IICT Gandhinagar, Gujarat
The Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information & Communication Technology (DA-IICT) at Gandhinagar  is looking for young, dynamic and fresh graduates with minimum First Class in Masters in Library and Information Science to work as 'Library Trainees' for its Resource Centre (Library). 
Duration of the Training is for a period of one year and selected trainees gets a fixed stipend of Rs. 8000/-per month with no other facilities/ benefits, excepting casual leave. Accomodation in  students hostel on the campus on payment basis will be provided, subject to availability.

The Resource Centre  has fully computerized in-house operations and services  and provides access to wide variety of digital collection, catering to the needs of the Faculty, Staff and Students. Several new initiatives are being taken to make this library as one of the leading and resource libraries in the area of ICT in the country. It is a part of regional & national consortia and actively participates in the resource sharing activities.
The Resource Centre is kept open till mid night on all working days during the semester and is open on holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. Selected trainees will require to work during these extended hours on rotation basis alongwith other staff members.
Nature of Traineeship: Traniees will be provided with an opportunity to work in different sections of the Resource Centre and learn the modern library management techniques and web based services.The Resource Centre provides a highly professional working & learning environment. The selected candidates will have ample of opportunities to work and learn on emerging IT tools and technologies. 
Date for Written Test & Interview: 27th July, 2009 ( Monday) at 10.00am 
Venue for written test and Interview: DA-IICT Campus, Near Indroda Circle, Gandhinagar 382 007, Gujarat
Address for sending the application:  Please send your advance copy of the application to (Head, HR & Admin, DA-IICT, Gandhinagar 382 007, Gujarat Tel: 079-30510551, 30510591)
The interested candidates who meet the above mentioned basic requirements may send in thier application with CV at the above address and directly come for the written test and interview. Candidate are requested to bring with them the certificates in support of date of birth and qualifications, and experiences, if any.
Thanks & Regards
Dr. T S Kumbar
Resource Centre

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Thursday, 2 July 2009

Random picks and thoughts of a Librarian

Friends do you know any thing about a forum of GAY LIBRARIANS? ..... EXPLORE follow the link :

Friends, it is indeed a remarkable moment in Indian history with regard to gay culture and gay rights. There is nothing unnatural or irrational about being a gay. Ofcourse every culture, society defines the way its members should act ... behave. Right and wrong is always a subject of debate any way.

titbits for librarians and book lovers :

Gay Life & Culture: A World History(Hardcover - 2006/10/17)by
Robert Aldrich (Editor)
List Price:Rs 2602; Our Price: Rs. 2056 ;Order now and get it in 20-30 business days. See DetailsAll India - Free Shipping. See DetailsShips to India only.Buy online using: - Credit Card (VISA & MasterCard)- Debit Card or Internet Banking Account (all major Indian Banks accepted)- Cheque, Demand Draft or Money Order. See DetailsPublisher: Universe Publishing(ny)

Book: Gay Life & Culture: A World History
In the years since Stonewall, the world has witnessed an outpouring of research, critical inquiry, and re-interpretation of gay life and culture. This book draws on groundbreaking new material to present a comprehensive survey of all things gay, stretching back to ancient Sumeria and ranging to the present day. Critically acclaimed historian Robert Aldrich and ten leading scholars juxtapose thought-provoking essays with an extensive selection of images, many never before seen. This masterful combination reveals the story behind gay culture from the industrialized world to the remotest corners of tribal New Guinea. Among the contributors are noted names in GLBT studies such as Brett Beemyn (author of Bisexuality in the Lives of Men), Charles Hupperts (expert on classical antiquity at the University of Amsterdam), Helmut Puff (University of Michigan expert on the medieval world), and Florence Temagne (author of A History of Homosexuality in Europe). The book covers such topics as the Old Testament relationship between Jonathan and David, the Age of Confucius, Native American berdaches, Polynesian mahus, Berlin in the '20s, Stonewall and the disco-flavored hedonism that followed, and the advent of AIDS, Act Up, and Angels in America. This book is an important contribution to understanding what makes gay life and culture universal throughout human culture and across time.

Thursday, Jul 02, 2009 , India
The Delhi High Court on Thursday ruled that homosexuality is no more a crime. The verdict brought happiness and cheers to the Indian gay activists. Gay activist Arvind Narayan spoke to NDTV about the verdict.

Librarians continue to be knowledge professionals. Would you like to communicate to the Principal Blogger of India Librarian directly? email to .- .- 1816gbgv

Fw: [LIS-Forum] Eugene Garfield's tribute to S.R. Ranganathan ... follow the link to access the information

--- On Wed, 1/7/09, Shriram Pandey <> wrote:

From: Shriram Pandey <>
Subject: [LIS-Forum] Eugene Garfield's tribute to S.R. Ranganathan
Date: Wednesday, 1 July, 2009, 12:45 AM

Dear List members,
I found an interesting essay by  Eugene Garfield's which is tribute to
S R Ranganathan.This article was published long back in 1984 in
Current Contents. The detail is available at


Shri Ram Pandey -
Asst. Librarian
The LNM Institute of Information Technology
Rupa ki Nangal, Post-Sumel, Via-Jamdoli
Jaipur-303 031, (Rajasthan) INDIA
Tel: 0141-5189211(Ext-253(O),324(H))

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Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Fw: [LIS-Forum] My superannuation & Thanks

best wishes from
2.ili 's team of authors/contributors

From: I.R.N.Goudar <>
Subject: [LIS-Forum] My superannuation & Thanks
Date: Tuesday, 30 June, 2009, 6:26 PM

Dear Professional Colleagues,

I retired formally on superannuation, today, 30th June 2009 from my
present post as Head, Information Centre at NAL.  During 32 years of my professional career in various institutions like CFTRI-Mysore, L&T-Bombay, IICT-Hyderabad, IIT-Chennai and NAL many of you have extended your affection, cooperation and helped me in providing  effective information services to all our patrons.

The Karnataka State Library Association for  which I worked as its president earlier for a  short period, is one  of the top level professional organization  which needs to be strengthened  by way of increasing its membership base  and new activities.  The present office bearers are very active and I am  sure they will take the association to the new height.  I thank members of  various professional associations/organisations including ILA, IASLIC,  SIS, ALSD, IALA, IPLA, INFLIBNET, ARP-AR&DB/DRDO,Bangalore Libraries Group, NCSI-NET, etc., wherein I was involved in their activities in way or  the other. I also thank the Dept. of Public Libraries, Govt. of Karnataka  for having given me an opportunity to serve as a member of SLA.

I cherished the assignments given to me during refreshers courses conducted especially by Bangalore University, Mysore University, Kuvempu University, Karnatak  University, RGUHS and some Engineering Colleges, for which I thank concerned faculty members/librarians.

While I will be retiring from my service at NAL I would like to be active in all professional matters. Once again I thank all professionals and wish you all best accomplishments both in professional career and personal life. I can be contacted at the following address:


Once thanks and greetings.

Dr. I.R.N. Goudar                  Tel: 91-80-25086081
Sci G & Head, Information Centre for      91-80-25235315
Aerospace Science and Technology      Fax: 91-80-25268072
National Aerospace Laboratories 
Airport Road, BANGALORE-560 017  India

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20090702gb - Thursday - 1040am - Dear, you know we are running every day .... we stop at certain stops ... then keep running ... on the way we get hurdles .. face them and again start running, walking, sliding ... life goes on


20090702gb - Thursday - 1040am -

Dear, you know we are running every day .... we stop at certain stops ... then keep running ... on the way we get hurdles .. face them and again start running, walking, sliding ... life goes on. Some times we take over others by our speed .. some times others take over us when we are slow. Some times we miss a bus or train or whatever ... and stop at a stop longer than required .. and you know at every stop we learn some thing .. which we cant realise when we are in running ... interesting know dear ... hope these realisations must have occured to you as well many a times ... We suddenly realise how nice it is to be out of a difficilty, hurdle ... rush caos. Be smiling dear be happy. Keep smiling... be happy ... every small journey we take up every day teaches us some thing. Let us be aware....let us be keen observers.

Darling, today morning when me and Vicky were on the way to school and my institute ... it is memorable. Due to some electrical problem at Mulund, it was announced that the trains will not be stopping at Nahur and Kanjurmarg.... Believe me there was utter confusion amongst passengers ... trains were n0t moving at all ... when were approaching Bhandup where we decided to get down. It is next to impossible to get down. There was heavy rush of people to get down....there was a down pour of passsengers where we were to board. Some college boys helped Vicky to get down ... and you know i got stuck ... I mean my bag got stuck between people..... it was hell a lot of a pain to get my bad .... the straps came off and the bag fell down near the door way.... with great difficulty i got down and started running with the running train to fetch my bag.... one of the passengers was very kind and considerate ... he made a little way to catch hold of my bag .... ultimately ... I fetched the bag and sat down at station for a few minutes with Vicky and then proceeded furtther to reach school and institute... Vicky got late to school....I cam to institute at about 10.00am instead of 9............


Librarianship is a noble profession.


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