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Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Updation in EG@

Dear e-Granthalaya Users,

1. We are making regular efforts to make the e-Granthalaya Software with more and more features, user-friendly and easy to install. In the recent past, we have removed the "SQL Reporting Services" from the application as it was cumbersome to install and setup the Service at Server PC. In place of "SQL Reporting Service", now we have added "Crystal Reports" which are wrapped with the application and no need to install separately.

2. In this series of simplification of the application, now we have removed "GranthService" layer also from the application, especially, where database is residing either in the same/local PC or on LAN. Due to this, now there two variants of the e-Granthalaya Ver.3.0:-

A). eG3 with Local/LAN database connectivity where database is available in local/same pc or on LAN
B). eG3 with Remote/WAN database connectivity where database is available in remote PC. e.g. ZSI, BSI and NIC databases are hosted in NIC Server in Delhi. In such situation, these libraries will continue the use of "GranthService" layer.

eG3 Updates:

3. Now eG3 Update is available for "eG3 Client Program" for download/install from our server. The eG3 Client Program can also be updated/installed direct onto your client PC from the following URL:
4. This update is for all the eG3 users except BSI, ZSI and NIC libraries...these libraries can update their client program from the following lcoation:

5. To install the eG3 latest update, first un-install the existing Client program (not the database) from all clients PC and then run the "setup" program direct from the above mentioned URL by clicking the INSTALL button.
6. On successful installation, database connectivity form (in place of GranthService Form) will be opened with the following 4 text boxes where u have to provide the database info:
i). Database Server Name: copy this name from first screen of the SQL Server 2005 management studio
ii). Database Name:
iii). Login/Databse User Name
Iv). Password

NOTE: It is advisable to update the client software first in a single PC. on successful updation then other client PCs can be updated accordingly. Also before updation, take the database backup.

After updation, you must check all the utilities and data of the library. In case, you observe any error pl communicate us for correction.

1. All reports are added
2. Some of the bugs removed
3. Database connectivity method changed, removed the GranthService layer.

Future updation: After this updation, we will again re-check the reports and if required reports will be modified accordingly. Also, more features will be added.

Autoamtic Updation: Future updation will be done automatically in case Client PCs are on internet.

Users are requested to send the feedback about the software and in case they need to suggest any addition/modification, they may send us in the email. Also, in case users need to add new Report then they may send us the Format of the Report


with regards

Ram Kumar Matoria
Technical Director
Library & Information Services Division
A-Block, CGO Complex,
New Delhi -110 003

Ph. 011-24305487
IP Phone: 5487

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