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Sunday, 31 January 2010

Fw: New comment on "Does Librarianship qualify itself to be called a 'fullfledged profession'?"

Librarianship is a noble profession.

--- On Mon, 1/2/10, Library Society of the World <> wrote:

From: Library Society of the World <>
Subject: New comment on "Does Librarianship qualify itself to be called a 'fullfledged profession'?"
To: "RajLibrarian D" <>
Date: Monday, 1 February, 2010, 12:16 PM

LinkedIn Groups

  • Group: Library Society of the World
  • Subject: New comment (13) on "Does Librarianship qualify itself to be called a full fledged profession?
  • qualify itself to be called a 'fullfledged profession'?"

I am not apprehensive about the profession, I am merely

pointing out an irony.
I do agree with you fully that the library is a living organism as

Ranganathan points out. I would also point out that librarianship

requires a graduate degree with a Masters or PhD from an

accredited university and that the degree can be transfered to

many fields. If this does not place it in a professional column,

I am not sure what would satisfy the professiologists and would

have to admit I am not concerned with what they call us as long

as we know what we are and how to do our job on a multitude

of levels in almost all disciplines.
I think on some level where a nurse must know everything

about nursing and a lawyer everything about their area

of law, their profession is based upon cubby holing their tasks.

That this is what they do and this is what they do only.

They are experts in their chosen filed.
"What do you do?" "I am an engineer studying chemistry".

"Oh, so you are a chemical engineer?"
In the case of a librarian, they may not be a chemical

engineer, but should be able to find the information

an engineer, lawyer, nurse, needs even if they

had not studied the field. Librarians are all over the

place on any given day and can not be easily cubby

holed into knowing only one area alone. This may throw

some people into not knowing what a librarian does

because they are not easily cubby holed. Even

if one is an art librarian, and a professor is an expert

on Modernism, the art librarian must know how to

find proper information on all areas of art. Our profession is to

utilize and assess information beyond a patron's niche.
In the end, the format and delivery may change, but the

necessity to organize and retrieve proper information remains

the staple of librarianship. So I am optimistic of the future.
This is an interesting conversation.
Posted by Lloyd Wedes
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