It is my privilege and my responsibility to introduce Ms.
Sandhya Gir, Senior Library Officer,
ICRISAT (Patancheru 502324 Andhra PradeshIndia email : ) to our
LIS community. She has put in over 30 years of steady service in
ICRISAT and has been the pillar post for Library services in
ICRISAT, when all others including me left the Library in search of greener and/or easier jobs.

We always see her like this and even this photograph is taken by our colleague Mr. David without her knowledge.
She has a very rich experience in handling serials management. She can be contacted for getting a practical insight into the intricacies and idiosyncrasies of Serials management.
Readers of ILI I am sure will find this posting very useful.Surgunasri garu you should have given atleast an emial address of Ms.Sandhya so that our readers would have inteacted with her....!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for introducing seasoned librarians like Sandhya to ILI readers.
Best wishes..
Hello Suguna,
ReplyDeleteYou are right perhaps. The way you have introduced Ms.Sandhya Gir is so over whelming that any one reading it will be curious to communicate, hence I had do a bit of research to find out the email address and put it across.
How about requesging Ms.Sandhy to write about herself and her experiences on ILI?
Best wishes
Dear Devrai,
ReplyDeleteThanks for researching and putting the e-mail across for the benefit of ILI readers - `Users time is precious'. You saved a lot of `man-hours', sorry `wo(man)- hours' or `minutes' at least.