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Saturday, 20 December 2008

Leadership and self deception- rajashekhar devarai and j.padmavathi

Venugopal Comment by Venugopal 23 hours ago
Hello Rajashekhar

Thanks for the review ! How did you come
across this book ?
Is it popular with the people in
Hyderabad ? Its great to see how the work is spreading

Arbinger in India is represented by
Managing Director, Mr. Nagendra Iyer from Bangalore.
He can be contacted at +91 9844 066 657

By the
way - I went deep into the box reading this review...
being associated with Arbinger work for about a year...
I already seem to have developed an 'attachment' to the work !!! :)...

Especially - I have not seen the
same treatment / definition of Self-Betrayal as done by
Arbinger ever before.. In the context of Arbinger's work
-- Self-Betrayal -- has a specific meaning -
the dictionary meaning. So - when I see in your review -
mention of synonyms or definitions of Self-betrayal - I
don't know if they do enough justice to the understanding
of the term as expressed by the work of Prof. Terry

I would caution against the use of other
dictionary meanings for this term as it may confuse or
make the audience pre-judge the work.

Don't know
if I make sense from all the above...
There are others
in this community - who are much more involved with the
work who may see differently and definitely more
'out-of-the-box' than me !!!
Heather Burton Comment by Heather Burton 2 hours ago
Hello, Rajashekhar:
Thank you for posting your review.
It's fascinating to me to consider how others have
experienced a work that I, too, have experienced. I
appreciated being able to read your review and "see"
through your eyes. I think I agree with Venu about the
referenced definitions you've noted. They are all very
interesting, and each at least tangentially related to
the Arbinger material, in this way: my understanding is
that in the field of philosophy-psychology, there were
unanswered or unaddressed inconsistencies or anomalies
in the approach various great minds took toward the
problem of self-deception, and the manner(s) in which
human beings respond to stimuli of various kinds.

Warner and his colleagues have worked to clarify the
misconceptions surrounding self-deception, and the result
is Arbinger's very unique work. Personally, I find the
concepts relevant on so many levels in my day to day
living and interactions that I see them as universal.
Your point #4 describes very well how I feel when I
acknowledge my boxes...and more importantly, acknowledge
the reality of the people I meet, work, live and in all
ways exist alongside.

Thank you again for posting
this. It is helping me re-examine the definitions I hold
for the key concepts of Arbinger philosophy.

the best you you and your co-author on the piece.
Looking forward to additional thoughts you may have.

:) Heather
Comment by RajLibrarian 29 minutes ago
Hi, Venu and Heather,
for quick responses
to our review. The thing is We
(Rajashekhar Devarai and J.Padmavathi
read this book about 5 years back
when we worked together at
Hyderabad. We were deeply moved
by the concept and its
relevance in our lives.
Though the review was prepared
that time only, it could not be
communicated for publishing
.... as the draft got misplaced.
I recently got the copy and
thought it better to put it on
this blog.
I need to know
more and more about the
contribution of Arbinger.

Rajashekhar Devarai
my blog address :

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