Tianamo … web discovery is a type of search engine/display. Instead of displaying a list of likely matches in response to a search term, it creates a 3D topoographical surface map. You are presented with a series of mountains and valleys covered with labeled dots that represent the individual web sites turned up by the search. As you move the mouse over the map, a list of the sites in close proximity to the cusor is displayed in a separate window, and updated in realtime. What is most interesting is that some form of clustering or grouping algorithm is used to contextualize the search results. In theory, each mountain peak would represent a cluster of sites closely related, and the taller and more prominent ones would contain a higher number of sites with closest match to your search term. What is also neat is the ability to manipulate the surface by grabbing and turning,tilting,zooming in or out etc. Clicking on an actual dot takes you to the actual site, clicking on the side of a mountain narrows the search parameters etc. , and the inclusion of a chronology steps back in time and builds the topographic map dynamically showing the development over time.
Explanation is an extract from http://learningontheedge.com/?p=25#more-25
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