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Thursday, 6 January 2011

New endings and new beginnings ... what it means to the Librarians?

Endings and beginnings  - What it means to the Librarians?

January 7, 2011


"Every ending is a new beginning.  Through the grace of God, we can always start again." – Seneca (Sacred Space, Times of India, January 7, 2011).

"I have special inclination for Library Services … like indexing, abstracting etc … but you know … I have wasted years at Circulation Counter of the library … I don't know when I will get into in what I am passionately interested." "I am so passionate about socializing … Public Relations but for the last 5 years I am working as a cataloguer …. What a waste of time …. How do I get back those 5 year… time doesnot come back." We hear such laments of Librarians either young or middle aged or the seniors as such. If we look at the lives of performers …. Innovators …. Inventors … successful leaders … we can very well understand …. The path of success is not as smooth as we think of. Desperation for something… craving for something gets birth out of a situation where in we are doing something not so dearer to our hearts. And this desperation will make you head towards getting into what you always wanted to get involved in. If we are deprived of something … for quite long ….dont feel bad….dont get disheartened….that builds up the required energy and passion for the thing….you have always wanted to do. If you are bent upon doing something …. You will find time … you will find resources…you will find opportunity. Don't succumb to circumstances  and situations … endure your efforts….sustain your passion… be what you are … stand for what you are. There are examples of many Social Scientists, literary figures, scientists … who enjoy doing most of what we librarians call as work. There are many librarians who double up either as a writer, poet, or an artist. And it is not necessary that we should earn laurels only from the vocation that pays us and continues to pay us. There is no end as such for any thing…. The years that have gone behind cannot be recalled … but that was not a waste …. We are the result of all of our involvements, moments, experiences of the years that have become history now… and they have made us what we are today.  And whatever we are today is nothing less nothing more…. And we have no right to ridicule on what we are …. We are what we are … we should continue to be proud of what we are and what we stand for. Every ending has a beginning…..we can always start over right now again and again. It is not late for any thing…. The left with you for this life … may be 10 years, 20 years ….40 years…80 years are neither less nor more. The time is just enough for doing and accomplishing what ever you always dreamt. Cheers! It is not late for any thing even if you are at 50 or 60 or 70 or 80. Start now … this could be a right moment for one more new beginning…..Cheers!!!!!!


Librarianship is a noble profession

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