Golden words of Lane Wagger (Source : Speaking Tree, Times of India, January 19, 2011):
January 19, 2011; Wednesday
- The mind is capable of the same settling (like a wave in the ocean) down, or transcending process. Waves of thought retire to the source of thought.
- The agitated, limited value of thought gains the unlimited status of being the silent depth of the ocean of consciousness.
- The mind is like a body of water : choppy on the surface, silent and stable at its depth. When we experience only the noisy surface level of thinking, difficulties abound.
- The growth of inner silence is the basis of spiritual unfolding and material success.
- Consciousness is the prime mover of life.
- Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness.
- If you are anchored to the silent blissful state of consciousness, everything you do becomes joyful.
- According to Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, handle that one thing – consciousness – by which every thing else is handled.
"Just like any other individuals in society, we the librarians do fee insecure , un happy, stressful and anxiety ridden often at times. We are skeptical and worried over the illogical behaviour of our bosses and co-workers and subordinates. We feel proud of some of our colleagues for their good deeds, feel sorry for the irrational behaviour of some others. All is well …. when we work from the core of our consciousness. All is well when we work from the source of our thoughts…that is consciousness. We are heading steadfast to emerge as the much awaited and coveted title of a 'knowledge professional'. Wagger says, "Knowledge is different in different states of consciousness". Being Knowledge professional in this context is to be operating from the source of our thoughts, to be operating from the silent blissful consciousness level. The day is not far when we slide and glide towards being recognized as a full-fledged librarian, a librarian who would be sought after by every one who has to do some thing to do with knowledge. Cheers". –
Keywords : Librarian, Librarianship,knowledge,consciousness,thoughts, Lane Wagger,Speaking Tree,Times of India, silence, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, success, consciousness,
LbnRaj ; ; (Source of Inspiration : Lane Wagger, Speaking Tree, Times of India, January 19, 2011)
Librarianship is a noble profession
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